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Boost employee retention and unlock new value with an augmented workforce

Empower industrial workers with digital technology for a happier and more productive workforce

Companies have increasingly adopted digital technologies in the past decade, and the change in working models and habits triggered by the pandemic accelerated this trend exponentially. Many enterprises have responded by providing their workers with tools and support to help maintain performance and satisfaction at work. And yet, a significant number of employees are now considering leaving their jobs.

Employers have understood the necessity of empowering talent to retain their workforce. Giving workers freedom to grow and perform and opportunities to excel is an effective strategy for fighting the Great Resignation and attracting new talent. The problem with most initiatives, however, is that they have generally focused on traditional white-collar positions – overlooking the industrial workforce.

Manufacturers desperately need skilled workers with both the expertise and capability required to operate in an increasingly digital environment. But companies must create the conditions in which they want to work. Employers also need to help some workers overcome a fear of automation and see it as an opportunity rather than a threat. The solution is educating employees on using and leveraging technology and building an augmented working environment to boost productivity and unlock new business value.

It starts with regarding industrial workers with the same esteem as other employees – they must be equally nurtured to become the skilled workers their employers need. Otherwise, they may soon leave their jobs and allow competing organizations to leverage their potential.

Boost employee retention and unlock new value with an augmented workforce

Download Unlock the potential of your industrial workforce to learn more.

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