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Achieve superior quality and drive tangible value in manufacturing

Identify and solve issues in near real-time with Data-Driven Quality Visual Inspection

Clever use of data has become an advantage in this digital economy. Companies with poor data and organization, however, are often unable to make the best decisions to steer the business forward – especially when it is used to achieve and ensure product quality.

Manufacturing companies understand the importance of analyzing and interpreting data to identify inconsistencies, faults, and opportunities for improvement across their operations. But they tend to lack the needed framework for quick and efficient inspection in an increasingly complex manufacturing environment.

Capgemini’s Data-Driven Quality Visual Inspection solution, built on IBM Maximo Visual Inspection and Microsoft Azure technologies, enables companies to detect and solve issues in near real-time. Its integrated AI imaging and data-analytic capabilities modernize and automate data-quality monitoring to maximize defect detection, improve cycle time, and reduce various issues related to assembly. This creates an end-to-end solution for better understanding data and achieving the product quality demanded by today’s consumers.

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Meet our experts

Satheesh Sebastian

Expert in Cloud Services (global)