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North Carolina processes more than one million sudden unemployment claims seamlessly
Client Story

North Carolina processes more than one million sudden unemployment claims seamlessly

Client: North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security (DES)
Region: North America
Sector: Services

DES has a critical mission: administer benefits to claimants who have lost employment due to no fault of their own. At the pandemic’s onset, DES experienced a massive increase in claims. It needed more scalable claims and call-center solutions to handle the surge, pay people on time, and detect and prevent fraud. Now, its modernized technology platform better serves North Carolina workers.

“Thanks to Capgemini and AWS, we were able to process and pay claimants at a time when they needed it most. We have had a long collaborative relationship with Capgemini.”

Raju Gadiraju
Chief Information Officer
North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security

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