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Client Story

frog: Breathing life into Lumen

Client: Lumen
Region: North America
Sector: Life sciences

Lumen delivers vital health data to users in real time

Lumen is a wellness and fitness services company that is dedicated to improving the health of its users with cutting-edge technology.

Lumen wanted to create a device that could give users a better way to monitor their metabolic health using real-time insights. To bring this idea to life, Lumen partnered with frog (part of Capgemini Invent) to create a portable, handheld device that could determine CO2 concentration – a key indicator of the fuel our bodies use to produce energy.

To get started, frog developed a user-centered framework and designed research curriculum to help Lumen evaluate products directly with test users. These insights ultimately guided Lumen’s final product concept selection.

frog also guided Lumen’s design to ensure that it was a premium luxury product. frog’s detailed engineering supported the development of working prototypes that were eventually used to test the product experience with beta users.

The result was an appearance model with final materials, a mechanical prototype to test product assembly, and design guidelines to inform the supplier for production.

“Working with the frog team to bring Lumen to life has been an exceptional experience. Their passion towards building and creating new product is unparalleled. We were continuously impressed by their thinking process, creative, consumer-centric design, and teamwork.”

Dror Ceder, Founder and Chief Growth Officer, Lumen