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Avoid digital maintenance programs pitfalls
Intelligent industry

Avoid pitfalls in digital maintenance programs

Asset-intensive industries can get value with the right roadmap

Predictive maintenance is a common application for digitalization, and it can be highly cost effective. For asset-intensive industries, digital maintenance programs are very compelling. But a lack of clear objectives, too much focus on technology, and poor data quality can derail plans.

There is no one magic solution. Advanced data analytics, generative artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digital twins can reduce operations and maintenance costs when the right plan is in place.

The maintenance landscape is evolving, and those who harness the power of these innovations will lead the way into a safer and more efficient and profitable future. Capgemini is already helping clients navigate these innovations and find the right use cases to deliver business value.

Read Avoiding pitfalls in digital maintenance programs to learn how companies can find the value in maintenance and asset management.

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