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Viva technology
PARIS | 14-17 June

We look forward to seeing you at Viva Technology!

Join us at Viva Technology, from June 14th to17th, 2023 in Paris. The largest European event dedicated to start-ups and technology, which encourages innovation by connecting start-ups, technology leaders, large companies and investors to tackle the world’s biggest challenges.

Capgemini Speaker Sessions

Clean Atmosphere: Can We Decarbonize Earth? | Stage 2

Thursday 15 | 15:05-15:40 CET

The amount of greenhouse gasses we have produced is so significant that reducing emissions alone will not be enough to correct the course of climate change. Decarbonizing technologies offer a tantalizing solution: how viable are they? What policies can governments implement to support decarbonization? And how can the private sector lead the way towards a cleaner future?

Cyril Garcia
Global Head of Sustainable Services and Corporate Responsibility, Capgemini

Bloomberg Media presents: Marketing Accelerating Responsible Business | C-Level Lounge

Friday 16 | 17:20-18:05 CET

Rooted in the Bloomberg Terminal and equipped with 250+ researchers and analysts powering our reporting and content around, Bloomberg Media sits at the forefront of surfacing sustainability solutions anchored in data. This roundtable will be the occasion to share proprietary audience, industry, and thematic insights from the Bloomberg Brand Accelerator, Bloomberg Intelligence, Bloomberg AiQ, and the trends in sustainability branding and marketing, regional differences, and best practices to employ.

Sarah Thomas
Capgemini Group CMO and EVP

Capgemini Booth | Hall 1, Space D25

We are convinced that the future of the industry is both intelligent and sustainable. We bring this belief to life by designing, developing and delivering the products and services of tomorrow – and we are proud to accompany our clients from the early stages of their business and technology transformation through to full-scale implementation.

We will showcase some strategic partnerships and our expertise through a series of keynotes, inspiring demonstrations and interactive roundtables with experts.

Learn how the power of technology and data is enabling better products and services, reshaping supply chains, creating unique customer experiences and delivering new sources of value. 

Make sustainability a fundamental goal to achieve impact. Get better results with Intelligent Industry.

Our conferences

10h – 10h30 | L’Oréal – Vision for Quality

  • Speakers : Olivier CHAPEL, Organization group Manager, L’Oréal | Hugo CASCARIGNY, Senior Director – Global Head of Insight of Intelligent Industry, Capgemini Invent
  • To avoid lengthy and costly stoppages caused by containers overflowing during filling, L’Oréal is working with Capgemini to create a computer vision solution integrated into the production chain: a machine coupled with artificial intelligence algorithms that identifies and ejects defective containers without human intervention before they are filled.

10h45 – 11h15 | Using technology for optimized urban mobility

  • Speakers :  Jean-François TOSCANO, Head of Segment, Operators & Infrastructure Railway, Capgemini EngineeringFarès GOUCHA, Director Rail Industry, Capgemini InventMatthieu DEBOEUF ROUCHON, Innovation Manager | Reasearch & Innovation, Capgemini Engineering | Guillaume LE MANDAT, Responsable MOE PCC Métros, RATP | Christophe GODOY, Architect, Capgemini Engineering
  • Advances in supervision, IoT, data analysis and artificial intelligence allow the development of new solutions to improve the operation, regulation and maintenance of the network. Join our session to explore the impact of technology on urban mobility in France

11h30 – 12h30 | 60 Minutes with Capgemini Ventures

  • speakers: Threekit, Baptise JOURDAN, Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) & Co-founder, Toucan Toco, Citrine
  • 60 minutes. 3 Ventures we collaborate with. Explore: Toucan Toco, a software company that specializes in data storytelling and data visualization solutions. Citrine, a materials informatics company that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven methods to accelerate the development and discovery of new materials. ThreeKit, a 3D/AR product configuration and visualization platform that enables brands to create and manage beautiful visuals at scale.

12h45 – 13h15: Groupama, an ethical and responsible approach to generative A

14h – 15h | How to accelerate Climate Tech Scaling

  • Speakers: Corinne JOUANNY, Head of Portfolio and Industry Centers of Excellence, Capgemini Engineering, Florent ANDRILLON, Group Climate Tech leader, Capgemini, Emilie GARCIA, Responsable Climat ESG – Direction Innovation, BPI France | :  Julien VILLERET, Chief Innovation Officer, EDF | Maarten Van Roon, CCO, Carbon8 Systems
  • Reducing carbon levels in the atmosphere needs global innovations that work on a scale previously unimaginable. From carbon capture and storage to renewable energy sources, these climate tech are leading the charge in the fight against climate change. In this roundtable, we’ll discuss some of the challenges/hurdles and approaches to overcome scaling and early commercialization of diverse climate tech solutions.

15h15 – 15h45 : How echOpen is transforming access to medical imaging through open innovation with its medical and industrial partners (AP-HP and Capgemini)

  • Speakers : Olivier DE FRESNOYE, Co-founder & CEO, echOpen | Nicolas CASTOLDI, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, APHP | Professor Eric VIBERT, Professor of Digestive Surgery (PUPH)
  • echOpen’s use of open source innovation to transform medical science: making medical imaging widely accessible and inexpensive hand-in-hand with medical and industry partners. Over the next few years clinical examination will experience an unprecedented evolution thanks to the advent of ultraportable ultrasound scanners. echOpen’s goal is to make medical imaging accessible to all health professionals to help advance this shift.

16h – 16h45 | Generative AI: Unlocking Creativity & Shaping the Future

  • Speakers: Pierre-Emmanuel DUMOUCHEL, CEO & Co-founder, Dessia | Rodrigo MAIA, Vice-President | Global Head of Research & Innovation, Capgemini Engineering | Benjamin MATHIESEN, Lead Data Scientist, Capgemini Engineering | Fabien MÉDAT, Director, DevRel & Azure Business Development, Microsoft
  • Join our expert-led roundtable to explore Generative AI’s potential and challenges. Learn about key concepts, technologies, and applications while discussing benefits in productivity, creativity, and talent development. Address ethical, social, and environmental concerns, and uncover current research and scientific breakthroughs. Envision the future of Generative AI, its business impact, and the role of human-AI collaboration.

17h – 17h30 | Results of DGFiP’s “Foncier Innovant” project

  • Speakers : Marina FAGES, Cheffe du Bureau, GF3A – DGFiP | Su YANG : Responsable du Pôle Données, DTNum – DGFiP | Pierre DELORGE, Managing Consultant Sector Public, Capgemini Invent
  • As part of the “Foncier innovant” project, the DGFiP is using innovative artificial intelligence and data enhancement technologies based on aerial photographs taken by the Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) to improve the reliability of local direct tax bases

17h30 – 18h | Research University Partnerships to tackle key challenges for a more intelligent industry in our society

  • Speaker : Anne-Laure CADENE, Vice President – Head of University Partnerships, Capgemini Engineering
  • At Capgemini Engineering, we look to what is next on the horizon of our clients. That’s why we have created the Strategic University research program to invest with world-class universities and produce high quality research outputs. Each project contributes to our strategic framework (see title) through three pillars: Dirsupt engineering, Accelerate sustainability, Master complexity

9h15 – 9h45 | Connected World

  • Speakers : Renaud TIRFOIN, Vice-Président, Capgemini Invent | Richard TRAHERNE, New Business Frontiers, Capgemini Invent | Kathryn ERNECQ, Intelligence for Innovation Expert, frog, part of Capgemini Invent
  • Join us to hear how the world’s most ambitious companies are imagining, creating and scaling the next generation of products, services and ecosystems. The unprecedented pace of market and technology evolution demands an ever-deeper breadth of expertise. We’ll reveal how our new Connected World offer sets a new standard in the innovation services sector for enabling success in this competitive world. Combining expertise in science and technology, experience design, data strategy, disruptive business modelling, organisational change and sustainability, Connected World is the key to unlock potential never seen before.

10h – 10h30 | The Gigafactory race is on: How Capgemini can accelerate the battery manufacturing industry

  • Speakers : Pierre BAGNON, Vice President, Global Head Intelligent Industry Accelerator, Capgemini Hubert CLEMENT, Directeur Energy & Utilities, Capgemini Invent
  • In the battery Gigafactories, rapidly evolving product technologies, field quality, fast-production ramp-up and sustainability regulations are among the key challenges that the battery industry must address.  See how Capgemini is reinventing the battery production through digitalization, data-driven manufacturing & automation, and successfully support to accelerate industrial greenfield. 

10h45 – 11h15 | Secure high-stakes investments with integrated modeling (economy and climate, energy, resources)

  • Speakers : Alain CHARDON, Director Energy Transition, Capgemini | Matthieu MEAUX, Principal Software Engineer, Capgemini | Corinne JOUANNY, Head of Portfolio and Industry Centers of Excellence, Capgemini
  • On the road to net zero, all the world’s big financial and industrial players face an incredibly complex set of long-term strategic choices such as these, which must be made in an uncertain world. To make better decisions, these organizations want to understand how the changing world will impact their technologies and assets. Will there be sufficient materials and skills to make them in the future? Will there be clean energy infrastructure to power them? Will changing demand, demographics, or policy make them redundant? Will floods or droughts make them inoperable?  We will present our new comprehensive energy transition tool offering unprecedented power to model complex global scenarios.  

11h30 – 12h30 | Eramet: Connected concessions

  • Speakers : Hugo CASCARIGNY, Senior Director – Global Head of Insight of Intelligent Industry, Capgemini Invent | Jean-Louis LOYER, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Eramet
  • Environmental impact is a major issue in the mining sector. Eramet is therefore working with Capgemini Invent on the Connected Concession solution, which uses drone imagery, image processing and deep learning to optimise environmental monitoring and reporting to speed up the rehabilitation of mined areas and establish trust-based relationships with local communities.

12h45 – 13h15 | How IT enables circular economy in a sustainable world

  • Speakers : Clément CHENUT, Group Circular Economy Leader, Capgemini Invent | Philippe DESMAISON, Head of Sustainability – Technology Executive Advisor, AWS France | Maxime WYKA, Strategy & Transformation Managing Consultant, Capgemini Invent | Sébastien BUTREAU, AWS CoE for South Central Europe, Capgemini

14h – 15h | Unleashing the Power of Tech in Sport!

  • Speakers : Jonathan LAUGEL, Professional rugby player & Senior Consultant, Capgemini Jérôme CHAVOIX, Executive Vice-President, Head of frog France and Southern & Central Europe | Matthieu DEBOEUF-ROUCHON, Innovation Manager, Capgemini Engineering | Johannes DOBRETSBERGER, Head of Marketing & Sales, FK Austria Wien | Pierre-Denis AUTRIC, Innovative Projects Director, Capgemini
  • Join us at the cutting-edge conference that dives into the transformative world of sports technology. Discover how tech advancements are redefining athletic practices and elevating fan experiences like never before. Uncover the potential of AI, data, and immersive technologies in driving peak performance and delivering unparalleled fan engagement. Gain exclusive insights into the future of innovation in sports and catch a glimpse of what 2050 could hold.

15h15 – 15h45 | No code: unleash your employees’ superpower

  • Speaker : Anne-Clémence BOUCQ, Managing Consultant, Capgemini Invent | Philippe BENOIT, Head of Cybersecurity Compliance, Veolia | Marguerite NGUYEN, Director Workforce & Organization, Capgemini Invent
  • Discover through concrete industrial cases how no code turns your employees into everyday superheroes able to create applications that best fit their business needs

16h – 16h45 | Acceleration of Digital Health innovation through Future4care

  • Speakers : Cyril GARCIA, Head of Global Sustainability Services and Corporate Responsibility, Capgemini | Agnès de LEERSNYDER, CEO, Future4Care | Sonia GORJUP, Director, Citizen Services, Capgemini Invent | Jérôme BERGER, Head of Group Strategy, Orange
  • We’ll be sharing the story of Future4care, which we co-founded with Orange, Sanofi and Generali to accelerate digital health. Future4care has over 35 start-ups and raised over €30 million last year, in less than 2 years. It’s an excellent example of the ecosystem we have in place to get the future we want.

17h – 17h30 | Train Léger Innovant, the train that breaks new ground

  • Speakers : Caroline CAUDRON, Responsable Services/Territoires/Environnement, SNCF | Arnaud DECOURTEIX, Architect Presales & Innovation Scaling, Capgemini Engineering | Christian HALCONRUY, Expertise and operational support for Design-To-Value, Design-To-Cost and Design-To-Time activities, frog, part of Capgemini Invent
  • Come and find out how Train Léger Innovant is proposing to relaunch the region’s light rail services with a low-cost service and a reduced environmental footprint, based on ground-breaking technologies developed through innovative collaborative solutions.

17h30 – 18h | Draisy, the innovative Very Light Train programme

  • Speakers : Olivier PICARD | Vice President Innovation, Strategy & Design – frog, part of Capgemini Invent | Olivier MELQUIOT, Directeur du programme Draisy
  • Come and discover Draisy, the Very Light Train developed by SNCF and its partners Lohr Group, GCK Battery, stations-e and Railenium. This programme innovates in terms of methodology, organisation and technological solutions to offer a 100% battery-powered electric train that can be recharged in stations, a flexible and cost-optimised capacity of 30 seats and up to 80 passengers, and a lightweight & eco-designed vehicle to guarantee sustainable service to the regions.

9h15 – 9h45 | Future of Engineering

  • Speakers : Eric DALLA VECCHIA, Vice President Automotive, Global Lead Connected Products and Services, Capgemini Invent | Olivier SAIGNES, Intelligent Industry Group Accelerator, Capgemini Engineering
  • We all know predicting the future is a risky business. But it is clear that big changes, and challenges, are coming to engineering. The engineering function must face challenging mega trends (instability, environmental emergency, new tech, new players and new competition…). Capgemini has interviewed more than 30 engineering executives to deliver their view of the Future of Engineering. This presentation delivers a synthesis of the paper which will be soon released by Capgemini.

10h – 10h30 | Plastic Omnium (PO) and Capgemini shine light on software-driven transformation

  • Speakers : Alexandre AUDOIN, EVP, Head of Automotive, Capgemini Yannick RAYNAUD, Group Scientific Director, Plastic Omnium
  • The journey toward software-defined vehicles depends on state-of-the-art software development. To instil best-in-class engineering practices and a company-wide software culture, PO has established a software house with Capgemini’s expertise in software and services. The collaboration blends PO’s product strength, the strategic initiative focusing on green, safe, connected, and shared mobility solutions.

10h45 – 11h15 | Digital Twin: concrete applications on AR to support field operation

  • Speakers : Jean-Baptiste DIMITRIOU, Managing Consultant, digital transformation & innovation, Capgemini Romain GASSION, Innovation Project Manager, Schneider Electric
  • Data is becoming omnipresent at all levels of industry, whether at OT, BT & IT. Putting in place digital continuity based on data is a lever to remotely control facilities,but also to accelerate operations in the field. Discover a testimonial about the XR operator advisor, a solution jointly developed by Schneider Electric & Capgemini. Find out more about implementation of AR to help field operators in maintenance operations.

12h45 – 13h15: Hack workshop

14h – 15h | Tomorrow’s retail: the role of the shop, customer experience and sustainability, undergoing transformation in an age of innovation

  • Speakers : Miguel Ángel GONZALEZ GISBERT, Global Chief Technology & Data Officer at Carrefour Julien NEUSCHWANDER, Directeur Innovation, Digital et Services, Rexel Zouhir OUMEDJKANE, Head of Innovation Lab, Capgemini
  • What is the role of the shop in the current context (increase in e-commerce, quick commerce, Uber, home delivery)? How can retailers innovate to offer a differentiated experience that complements the online experience? What are the emerging trends, such as ‘autonomous’ shops, ephemeral stores and pop-up stores?

15h15 – 15h45 | Solar Airship – the first green rigid airship for a non-stop world tour

  • Speakers : Camille BONNET, Docteure en Génie Mécanique & Mécanique des Matériaux – Ingénieure en Modélisation Numérique, Capgemini Marie-Christine BILBOW, CEO, Euro Airship | Dorine BOURNETON, aviator, writer and speaker
  • We are facing unprecedented major ecological challenges such as pollution, the decrease in natural resources and the decline in biodiversity. In technological partnership with EuroAirship, we propose to meet green air mobility challenges by achieving a significant breakthrough in sustainable, silent and low-carbon air mobility. We are developing the first green rigid airship, to realize a non-stop world tour.

16h – 16h45 | Unleashing data collaboration to transform Life Sciences

  • Speakers : Bruno GAGLIARDO, Global head of AI platform and application management, Sanofi | Vincent FOURNIER, Directeur Commercial Telecom – Media – Advertising – Santé – Proserv, Snowflake | David GHESQUIERES,Global Clinical Development Offer lead, Capgemini
  • R&D, Sales & Marketing, Industrial Affairs, Finance… What are the opportunities for large companies in the Life Sciences industry? What are the main challenges in creating a sustainable advantage? Find out more about data sharing and the business and technological issues involved, through concrete examples and key success factors.

17h – 17h30 | Accelerating the Transition to Net Zero in Industry

  • SpeakersAmira EL ARAKI, Director, Capgemini Invent
  • Achieving net zero in manufacturing Industries is one of the most critical challenges of our time. Industrial Net Zero is a global endeavor, but while many companies have started the transformation, no company can manage it alone. New standards & supply chains, circularity, innovation & infrastructure require cross-industry & public-private cooperation. How to leverage systemic collaborations to accelerate the transition to Net Zero?

10h45 – 11h15 | Meeting the food challenges of tomorrow with Kyanos Biotechnologies

  • Speakers : Pierre-Alain HOFFMANN, Directeur Scientifique, Kyanos Biotechnologies | Goeffrey LONCA, Scientific Project Leader, Capgemini Engineering
  • Water pastel, a blue microalgae found in Lake Klamath, USA, has potential as a solution for future food challenges. Kyanos Biotechnologies is the pioneer in producing and selling this protein-rich microalgae using the eco-friendly cyclotrophy process. Since 2016, Capgemini Engineering has supported Kyanos Biotechnologies in scaling up production, plant simulation, analyzing their industrial and environmental performance.

15h15 – 15h45 | Endometriosis, are we doing enough?

  • Speakers : Axelle AYAD, CEO, Mapatho, William HERZOG,Research and Innovation Project Manager, Capgemini Engineering
  • Using new technologies, companies, start-ups and hospitals are now joining forces against endometriosis, a disease that is difficult to live with, identify and treat. By developing Endopaths and Endoscore, 2 innovative projects developed with the CHU de la Croix Rousse and EndoFrance, Capgemini is contributing to accelerating diagnosis and improving the quality of life of patients. Mapatho, a startup headed by Axelle Atad, contributes to the well-being of patients.

16h – 16h45 | Education for the future: equipping the next generation with digital skills

Please note that all sessions are subject to prior registration and that the number of places is strictly limited. These conferences will take place on our stand – Hall 1, space D25

Capgemini Client Tour

During the 4 days of the show, our experts will organize a tour of our Capgemini space. This will allow you to understand the challenges of Intelligent Industry for a more sustainable world, discuss with our experts and discover our technological capabilities through demonstrations of our latest innovations developed to help companies succeed in their digital transformation journey.