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Growing together

Driving sustainability through the power of platforms and ecosystems

Sustainability is a systemic challenge and needs systemic thinking across and beyond traditional boundaries. This means that different actors simply must collaborate.

Platforms and ecosystems represent a new way of organizing that can yield significant benefits for society. This can reinvigorate public-private collaboration: a new bridge between the entrepreneurial spirit, public mission, public authorities and private firms. With new exciting opportunities to rethink the link between them.

The interest in platforms and ecosystems is strong but unfortunately, the success stories are still a few. As many leaders and organizations lack platform skills, there is an urgent need for a more science-based approach to this new business construct.

Thought Leadership

Our recent White Paper with Thinkers50, Growing Together, collects the thoughts of the leading academic experts and practitioners on platforms and ecosystems, but also provides clarity on the key strategic questions and creates a link to the vast reservoir of knowledge available.

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Our Experts

Elisa Farri

Elisa Farri

Vice president, The Management Lab, Capgemini Invent
Included in the list of management thinkers to watch by Thinkers50, Elisa is an expert on management at the intersection of academia and business. Through exploratory research, thought leadership, and academic collaborations, Elisa bridges the latest management frameworks into practice. A frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Elisa has extensive experience developing and delivering executive training at leading organizations globally.

Paolo Cervini

Vice President | Co-lead of The Management Lab by Capgemini Invent
Paolo Cervini creates sustainable, accessible, and inclusive models for organizations that empower people to unlock personal and organizational value. He is a member of the Thinkers50 Radar class of 2023 and co-lead of The Management Lab by Capgemini Invent, a global think-tank that aims to democratize management and bridge the latest management ideas into practice.

Gabriele Rosani

Director, The Management Lab, Capgemini Invent
Esteemed author and frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Gabriele has been researching, designing, and testing new management frameworks and tools for over a decade. Gabriele works at the intersection of strategy, innovation, and sustainability, bringing new management practices to the real world of business for clients. An experienced adviser to Fortune 500 companies, Gabriele previously worked at the European Centre for Strategic Innovation where he discovered his passion for shaping the new frontier of management.

Dr. Leonardo Weiss Ferreira Chaves

VP, Intelligent Products & Services, Capgemini Invent
Leonardo is a Vice President at Capgemini Invent, leading the global activities around Intelligent Products and Services. His focus lies in helping companies to transform traditional products and services into green, intelligent ones to create new services and business models. He supports his clients from strategy, through product design, and into implementation, unlocking top line growth and process efficiency.

Marc Reinhardt

Executive Vice President, Public Sector Global Industry Leader
“We are proud to be a leading partner to public sector organizations globally, supporting mission-critical systems that touch the lives of millions of citizens and users every day. While developing the next generation of citizen-centric, inclusive public services, we are also enabling organizations to transform to tackle the most important challenges our societies face. As we look to the 2030 targets of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it’s clear that technology is a tool for achieving better outcomes, and that societal purpose should be a driving force behind the sector’s use of digital to perform and transform.”