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Postbank Centralizes HR System

Capgemini collaborates with Deutsche Post DHL and Postbank to consolidate disparate legacy HR systems into a single SAP Human Capital Management platform

“ The way Capgemini integrated into the team, the intimate know-how as well as their project management skills contributed largely to the success of the project. ”Klaus Wegmann, CEO, Human Resource Management, DP DHL

The Situation

In 2006 Postbank took over 850 Deutsche Post branches and acquired the majority of BHW Holding AG. The integration of the newly acquired entities within Postbank’s organizational structure was the trigger to establish a new HR service delivery model for the entire Group. The acquisitions demanded centralized and more efficient operations. On the HR front, this translated into consolidating three legacy systems, which were being used in a disparate manner across the Group.

The Solution

Postbank selected Capgemini as its partner to drive this consolidation project. The effort involved intimate collaboration between all entities: DP DHL IT GBS&CC, Deutsche Post IT Solutions GmbH (DPITS, the IT service provider for Deutsche Post DHL) and Capgemini. The three legacy HR systems were migrated to one single SAP ERP HCM (Human Capital Management) system within eight months. A key hurdle that was overcome in the project was the migration of over 10,000 employee master data records contained within two legacy SAP systems and a PeopleSoft system to the new SAP HCM solution.

The Result

A new service delivery model with centralized HR services and employee support across all old and new divisions of the Group has now been established. The consolidated SAP HCM platform has been recognized by Group management as the key success factor for this reorganization.