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Vice President, Business Process Outsourcing



Marketing and Communications

Portfolio and product management

Women Matter   There are enough studies that show a strong correlation between diversity in the workplace and company profitability. If social benefits are not compelling enough, the business benefits should be. 

Women Matter

There are enough studies that show a strong correlation between diversity in the workplace and company profitability. If social benefits are not compelling enough, the business benefits should be. India, specifically, has a big role to play in upping Capgemini’s competitiveness and if we are able to hire and retain a larger proportion of women, it does not just make for a better workplace, it makes us more competitive as well!

A More Innovative Workforce

Why is Gender Diversity Important to the IT Sector Today?

When research shows that teams and companies with more women tend to be better in creative and innovative thinking, IT firms should be taking notice. After all, we would want to remain at the forefront of innovation. In India, we should also be looking at the social benefits that women in the workforce bring, given the large talent pool the IT sector employs.

Promoting Gender Diversity

Why I decided to play an active role in promoting gender diversity

In my marketing and communications role, there is a natural gravitation towards women. The gender ratio in this function tends to be higher than the average. I believe we can help promote this to the rest of the organization and help them get the benefits we do.

At a personal level, I have been lucky. I have had bosses who have never let my gender influence any business decision. I have a family who is very supportive about my work and it leads me to think, if I don’t lend a hand in this campaign, who will?

Chart Your Own Course!

How Capgemini has helped me develop in the company

I joined Capgemini in 2011 as a rookie in the industry. I had spent years in advertising, and I came in expecting to find it tough to adjust. But adjust I did. Thanks to a wonderful Marketing and Communications Global team that was invested in my success.

I enjoy my job today. I work with talented creative people, comparable to the best in the industry. It’s a team that delivers each and every time. Growing and nurturing this team, helping it meet stretch goals, developing new capabilities, evangelizing them across the organization – there is never a dull day.

Capgemini has set goals for me and given me the freedom to chart my own course towards those goals. It has a culture that lets you be, without stifling or constraining you. That is what I like about this place.

Improving Diversity

I believe each of us can play a role in our way to help improve diversity1.Be Aware. 
The first step to improving gender diversity, is to just be aware  the need for it – in workplaces everywhere, in your company, in your own team. It helps to keep a note of the statistics in your team and see how you can do your bit to improve them.

2.Take that step
Do you hear someone complaining about dealing with ‘women’ problems in your vicinity? About female bosses? Are you witness to unconscious bias? Speak up. Does a team member need a little flexibility in work hours or location? If you have the power to grant it or influence it, do it. All the grand corporate plans to promote gender diversity will come to nothing if we don’t take action at an individual level.

3.Engage with gender diversity initiatives, in whatever way you can
There are gender initiatives in all Capgemini offices. Join them, and do what you can to help. Contribute your ideas and time.

Get to know Parvathy

In a few words… more about Parvathy

Located in Mumbai, India

Marketing & Communications Offshore Services Lead

Passions: Books and Travel

A Dream:  Leaving the world a better place- however small that ‘better’ may be.

A Belief to Live By: “Of course you can have it all. What are you going to do? Everything, is my guess. It will be a little messy, but embrace the mess. It will be complicated, but rejoice in the complications. It will not be anything like what you think it will be like, but surprises are good for you. And don’t be frightened: You can always change your mind.” Nora Ephron

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