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PMO Lead, Europe India


Experienced professionals

Sales, Account Management, and Solutions Design

My usual work day   Due to heath issues and a disability which is increasing day by day, Capgemini has provided me with additional support. I have flexibility in working hours, a work from home facility, and even transport while visiting office

My usual work day

Due to heath issues and a disability which is increasing day by day, Capgemini has provided me with additional support. I have flexibility in working hours, a work from home facility, and even transport while visiting office. I start my day with yoga breathing exercise and Vipassana meditation in morning. This gives me inner strength. I do pay attention to a balancing my diet in terms of healthy food and positive thoughts. I manage my work by communicating via emails and communicator. On urgent matters the team approaches me through SMS. I am thankful to the senior management, PMO pool team and HR officials who gave me a working environment as per my health and disability needs.

My life at Capgemini

My campus placement to Capgemini is one of the best things that happened in my life. Capgemini gave me an opportunity to grow as professional during these 5yrs of service, despite four brain surgeries and disability which is increasing day by day. Initially I was Technical Resource. Life was fun, work, parties, then I was diagnosed with NF2 and post surgery I was a disabled person. That was hard to digest. I am thankful to Capgemini for giving me such a fantastic working environment and strong emotional and financial support without which I can’t imagine how my life would be. Now I have moved to a non-technical profile as PMO and I am happy with quality of work that I am delivering. I have job satisfaction, support to work as per my disability and medical needs. I like to see myself working with Capgemini for as long as I am working.

Places I have been

I have travelled to various places within India. As professional I had visited Kolkata for one of the client project. As tourist I have travelled to Jaiselmer, Jodhpur, Ajmer, Pushkar, Jaipur, and even experienced a Tiger Safari at Ranthambhore National Park in Rajasthan. I have also visited Tadoba National park in Chandrapur, Maharashtra for jungle safari. Apart from this, I have visited various nearby places such as Nagpur, Pune and costal places in the Kokan for short weekend trips. My dream Travel destination is London and Paris.

Projects I’m proud of

The experience gleaned from working with one of my client project is close to my heart and I have grown as professional in that project. I was from the inception phase of the project. It gave me an opportunity to grow as professional and made me an asset to Capgemini. Initially from October 2011 till March 2012, I was ODI and Oracle Apps Finance Technical ERP Team. My entire team, manager and senior manager provided me great support when I was diagnosed as an NF2 person. I had lost hearing in my left ear when I resumed office in August, 2012. My Manager offered me non-technical PMO role for my team. That was turning point in my career. Later I had taken charge of entire project Account as PMO. I have learned a new skill set there. I recognized management skills within me. I have taken process improvement steps and introduced new things. I am proud of the total 2 years of experience working with this project.

My personal life

I am lucky to born in such a good family. I have one sister, one brother and lovely mother. My greatest inspiration is my father. He was also diagnosed with NF2 and is deaf. I have seen him manage his life so well even with health problems and disability. Whenever I felt down, I remembered him and uplifted myself. I believe that if I inherited NF2 from him, his strength and fighting spirit has to be within me as well. This gives me immense strength to look in a positive direction. My mother is the strongest woman I know. She is inspiration for rest of the world. After my father’s death, being a single mother; our mother raised us so well. She gave 3 children professional educations that she wasn’t even able to afford. I wish I could fulfill all her dreams. My sweet little angelic sister Meghana, who is an anchor of emotional support, is my second mother. She took care of me and stood with me during my 4 surgeries. Meghana is also working with Capgemini. A low point after my father’s death was when my sister was also diagnosed with NF2. I wasn’t able to handle it as strongly as I had handled the news for myself. The Positive is that she is also working with Capgemini where ‘People Matter’ is not just tag line. Capgemini really mean it. Mithilesh is my youngest brother. He has just completed his BE in Computer Science in 2015. We are always fight over silly things. We both share a good bond and he had shown great spirit during both me and my sister’s surgeries. He had semester exams when I had my surgery during these 4 years. I am super proud of him for managing both the things quit well. I am lucky to have good friends for lifetime. I am thankful to God for giving me such wonderful family and good friends both in personal and professional life.

Career paths

Take the first steps in a bold new direction. A career at Capgemini offers you the opportunity to follow an existing passion or cultivate new ones. Develop your career in the direction you want to take it.

Bring your mastery and experience to a global business that values and celebrates its experts, and we will provide you with the opportunity to take the next meaningful step in your career journey.

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