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Capgemini’s design office: A systematic approach to innovation and transformation

A proven framework for becoming the disruption, change, and future-proof business you want to be.

Disruption and innovation are constant. New ideas and technologies are making and breaking today’s businesses – and reshaping entire industries. Companies like Uber, Amazon, and AirBnB are great examples of once-small players leveraging emerging technologies to completely re-write the rules of the game.

So, how do you future-proof your business and create the right conditions for innovation? How do you make sure you’re always one step ahead of your competitors and ready to offer your customers the most cutting-edge experiences?

Introducing Design Office: Creating the right conditions for complete, bottom-up and top-down innovation

Design Office, part of Capgemini’s ADMnext portfolio of services, is an incubator of innovation and transformation, which is embedded directly into your business. Its role is to make ideas pop up from within project teams or from outside the project – and then to ensure that those ideas with the highest value are grown and transformed into valuable MVPs and projects.

Ultimately, Design Office’s goal is to stimulate and inspire ideas from the bottom up within project teams, or from the top-down through our innovation network, leveraging ready-to-use ideas from the wider Capgemini ecosystem. This includes our wide range of CoEs and our Applied Innovation Exchange (AIE).

In embedding Design Office into your business with our project-level delivery team, we bring you rapid and tangible benefits such as:

  • Quicker turn-around time from idea to implementation by equipping teams with the needed tools and frameworks for ideation and innovation
  • Continuous and uninterrupted innovation over the lifetime of every engagement
  • Exploration of new and emerging technologies via our network of AIEs and COEs
  • Exponential and incremental improvements

Design Office comes to you with a proven approach for innovation and leaves you with your future – where you take it is up to you

Download our concise solution blueprint brochure above to find out more and contact us to get started.