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Collective agreement (työehtosopimus) for Capgemini Finland employees

Capgemini Finland has launched a company-specific collective agreement in April 2022. The collective agreement has been built in deep collaboration with Capgemini Finland employees and validated by the Tietoala ry board and YTN.

Built on the company values to support local work community

The focus of Capgemini Finland’s collective agreement is to create terms and conditions that are aligned with the seven values and company culture. Compared to the previous common collective agreement, this agreement is more inclusive and has a wider recognition of cultural and individual needs, e.g., regarding public holidays and other paid leave. It also offers better terms for parental leave for both parents.

During the renewal process, the language was also simplified to make sure that the terms and conditions are easily understandable and more inclusive.

Familiarize with our Capgemini Finland collective agreement in full through the assets we’ve made available for you.

What is a company-specific collective agreement?

A company-specific collective agreement enables the terms of employment to be customized so that they meet the needs of the company and its personnel (source: Teknologiateollisuus). Company-specific collective agreement drives deeper collaboration between the employer and employees. It encourages mutual proactivity, continuous development, and the ability to adapt to change. An agreement negotiated by the employer and its personnel deepens the understanding of chosen terms and conditions and benefits.

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