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Capgemini named as a leader for cloud and multi-process HR services by NelsonHall

30 Jan 2019

Capgemini announced today that it has been named a “Leader” in the NelsonHall Evaluation & Assessment Tool (NEAT) Report for Cloud and Multi-Process HR Services.

Capgemini was recognized as a Leader for its capabilities and strengths in the following areas:

  • End-to-end capabilities for cloud and Multi-Process HR services from concept to execution including cloud consulting, Human Capital Management (HCM) system implementation, post-go-live Application Management Services (AMS) support, and HR Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS[1])
  • Focus on incorporating digital developments into its HR services, including Digital Employee Operations, Digital Helpdesk, and Digital Learning Operations
  • Emphasis on creating the business case for transformation to the cloud through post deployment HR BPaaS support
  • Heavily leveraging next-generation technological innovations, including Robotic Process Automation (RPA), chatbots, and machine learning/Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Anis Chenchah, CEO of Capgemini’s Business Services and member of the Group Executive Committee, said: “We are delighted to be recognized as a Leader in NelsonHall’s NEAT report for Cloud and Multi-Process HR Services. It reflects Capgemini’s ability to satisfy its client and partner eco-system worldwide with the power of integrated services and platform solutions. Digital Employee Operations[2] follows our advise-digitalize-operate approach allowing us to shape the future of business operations for our clients, using intelligent automation to deliver outstanding value.”

Pete Tiliakos, Principal HR Services Analyst with NelsonHall, said: “Capgemini was recognized as a Leader for its overall cloud and Multi-Process HR capability, which can support clients with platform selection, deployment and beyond, through its comprehensive HR outsourcing model. With extensive experience in deploying the latest cloud HCM solutions, continued investments, and a focus on developing digital transformation enablers, its HR BPaaS offering is well positioned to support both current and future client needs.”

NelsonHall’s NEAT is a method by which strategic sourcing managers can evaluate service providers and is a part of NelsonHall’s Speed to Source initiative. The NEAT tool assesses service providers against their ‘ability to deliver immediate benefit’ to buy-side organizations and their ‘ability to meet client future requirements,’ which is a pragmatic evaluation of the service provider’s ability to take clients on an innovation journey over the lifetime of their next contract.

To read the full report click here:

About NelsonHall

NelsonHall is the leading global analyst firm dedicated to helping organizations understand the ‘art of the possible’ in IT and business services. With analysts in the U.S., U.K., and Continental Europe, NelsonHall provides buy-side organizations with detailed, critical information on markets and vendors (including NEAT assessments) that helps them make fast and highly informed sourcing decisions. And for vendors, NelsonHall provides deep knowledge of market dynamics and user requirements to help them hone their go-to-market strategies. NelsonHall’s research is based on rigorous, all-original research, and is widely respected for the quality, depth, and insight of its analysis.