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Woman of inspiration (European cluster) – Cindy Claeys

20 Dec 2021

Cindy Claeys joined the Capgemini family in 2016. As a Senior SAP Consultant and also the Lead of Women at Capgemini Belgium, Cindy has been one of the top five finalists of the ICT Young Lady Awards. She has recently been honored with the ‘Women for the Future’ award from the European cluster. Here’s Cindy sharing her experiences on winning the award.

Congratulations Cindy! Share us your experience on winning the ‘Woman of Inspiration’ award.
 I’m blessed and overwhelmed for being recognized by my colleagues as the ECBU Women of Inspiration. I’m just my authentic self and I’m glad that this is appreciated by my colleagues and peers. But, for me, this is just the start of the winning journey. I hope that this title will give me the opportunity and the means to organize future actions for the well-being of our colleagues.

How do you see this recognition shaping your career?
I hope that this recognition will bring more visibility to the causes that I personally support within and outside Capgemini, and that others will join to enforce those and/or inspire others for reaching our common goals.

Who has been your role model?
It’s a cliché but my mother is my role model. She means a lot to me because she worked a lot for giving me the opportunity to study and to do what I always wanted.

What has been your biggest challenge in life?
 It is to accept that the implementation of changes/actions can take more time and effort than expected even if they are right. Therefore, it’s important to choose your battle to not burn yourself out.

Any inspiring words for women who aspire to get this award in the future.
Be authentic, enlarge and support your network and sometimes act out of your comfort zone, be crazy!

Thank you, Cindy for sharing your thoughts. We look forward to hearing more from you in the future. All the best!