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Viva technology | 22-25 May

Once again this year, we’re delighted to announce that we’ll be taking part in Viva Technology, from 22 to 25 May, at the Parc des Expositions at Porte de Versailles!

Get ready for the 8th edition of Viva Technology, The largest European event dedicated to new technologies! Our presence highlights our commitment to being at the forefront of innovation, a mission that transcends borders and inspires change on a global scale.

Capgemini Booth | Hall 1 – Booth D25

Our booth, located in Hall 1, will be the focal point of our presence. It will be a place of exchange and sharing where we will welcome our customers, partners, promising start-ups and emerging talents. Come and discover our latest technological innovations and explore with us the infinite possibilities they offer for shaping a better future.

We are proud to contribute to this innovative vision, which places innovation at the service of social, environmental, economic and human issues. Join us on this exciting adventure as we work together to shape the world of tomorrow!

Would you like to rewrite your future with us? Our recruiters will be on hand at our Recruitment Hub. Come and meet them so you can discuss your career ambitions, browse our vacancies across France and discover the future we could be writing together.

INTELLIGENCE, meet impact.

Discover our 3 fundamental pillars

Generative AI is emerging as the key transformation driver for organisations that skilfully integrate data with artificial intelligence to explore innovative approaches to the way they work, produce, consume and communicate.
Our expertise helps organizations create value through the widespread and secure adoption of generative AI.

We champion a mindset that extends from business to consumer or business to business, to a journey from business to planet.

This transformative journey integrates environmental technologies and innovations to reduce impact on the planet and unlock sustainable opportunities.

We understand the importance of innovation and its role in driving sustainable business.
We mobilise technology, methodologies and services and our network of B2B start-ups to deliver value and enable organisations to unlock the potential of technology for a better future.

Conferences – Wednesday May 22nd | On our booth, Hall 1 – D25

Wednesday May 22nd | 10:00 – 10:30 AM CET

Access to clinical trials and relevant patients is complex, yet crucial to bringing medicines to market. Issues of speed, efficiency, accuracy, and cost are paramount, and artificial intelligence can play a key role – but how? In addition, improving the patient experience and collecting accurate, usable data remain essential.

  • Speaker:David Ghesquières, Global Life Sciences R&D leader, Offer lead, Next-Gen Clinical Development, Capgemini | Dr Meriem Koual, gynecological surgeon, APHP | Audrey Lhomme, Head of Digital R&D, Sanofi | Agnès Fritsch, Solution Director, Capgemini Engineering
  • Moderator: Camille Madelon, Vice President Life Sciences, Capgemini Invent
Wednesday May 22nd | 10:40 – 11:10 AM CET

The combined use of digital technology and connectivity is enabling early detection of health problems, improving patients’ life quality, and getting them into care sooner. Digital biomarkers are revolutionizing medical care for patients, healthcare professionals, payers, and pharmaceutical companies. 

  • Speaker: Alain Habra, CEO, Quantiq | Emmanuel Néré, Innovation, Data & Cognitive Director, Generali | Gérard Raymond, President, France Assos Santé | Margaux Tellier-Poulain, Responsable de projets santé et protection sociale, Institut Montaigne
  • Moderator: Camille Madelon, Vice President Life Sciences, Capgemini Invent 
Wednesday May 22nd | 11:20 – 11:50 AM CET

Rethinking the experience of patients, doctors and biologists around medical devices that are more intuitive, inclusive, ergonomic, and functional. 

  • Speakers: Stephen Martin, Marketing Director, B. Braun | Olivier Picard, Vice-President, Head of Design capability, frog, part of Capgemini Invent 
Wednesday May 22nd | 12:00 – 12:30 PM CET

The use of AI and data is now enabling hyper-personalization of care. AI can speed up the diagnosis of rare diseases, as demonstrated by the Innerve project for the detection of small fiber neuropathy. The start-up RDS is demonstrating that real-time use of patient data enables personalized post-operative monitoring, and ultimately a better quality of life thanks to home monitoring. 

  • Speakers: Clovis Adams, Neurologist, APHP | Elie Lobel, CEO, RDS | Sonia Gorjup-Gatti, Director Citizen Services, Capgemini Invent 
  • Moderator:Nicolas Brunel, Scientific Director, Capgemini Invent 
Wednesday May 22nd | 12:40 – 1:10 PM CET 

During this conference, we will reveal how to extend the enablement of more than 50,000 Novartis employees with GenAI tools such as ChatGPT, Copilot for M365 or Github Copilot. You’ll learn about the journey the Capgemini and Novartis teams have taken together, the questions addressed, and the key ideas shaping the future of work. 

  • Speakers: Katharina Schoeneich, Copilot for M365 Deployment lead, Novartis | Fanny Tanchaleune, Managing Consultant – Workforce & Organization, Capgemini
Wednesday May 22nd | 1:20 – 1:50 PM CET 

While low-carbon hydrogen remains uncompetitive for decarbonizing our economy, digital technology is emerging as a lever for reducing costs and boosting adoption, particularly in industry. How can we accelerate the lifecycle of hydrogen deployment projects, from design to asset operation? 

  • Speakers: Alberto Carpita, Strategy & Business Development, Siemens | Arthur Auxenfants, Responsable Offres et Partenariats, Verso Energy
  • Moderator: Benoît Calatayud, Director, Energy Transition, Capgemini Invent 
Wednesday May 22nd | 2:00 – 2:30 PM CET 

  • Speakers: Sugu Thuraisamy, Managing Director – ShagowAskee Foundation | Catherine Joce, Head of Environmental Sustainability – Cambridge Consultants
Wednesday May 22nd | 2:40 – 3:10 

This conference will focus on how AI is being used to enhance workforce capabilities at Michelin, addressing the challenges and opportunities this presents, as well as the company’s commitment to digital sustainability. The session aims to explore the synergies between human potential and artificial intelligence, with a focus on responsible AI. In addition, we will have the opportunity to discover the initial results of a survey of Michelin employees on their perception of these tools and how to use them responsibly, both from the point of view of corporate strategy and employee experience. 

  • Speakers: Patrice Cochin – Chief Digital Experience Officer, Michelin | Karine Sacepe, Senior Innovation & Technology Manager, Capgemini Engineering
Wednesday May 22nd | 3:20 – 3:50 PM CET 

We are crossing a new frontier in customer experience thanks to generative AI. Its potential to enhance service quality by transforming the capabilities of our employees is undeniable. By analysing interactions with customers and users, it holds out the promise of orchestrating personalised customer journeys, significantly improving marketing campaigns and sales of products and services, and processing customer interactions more efficiently… 

  • Speakers: Thibault Bonneton, Digital & Telesales Director, Orange Spain |Stéphane Doinel, Program Director, Société Générale 
  • Moderator: Stéphane Sun, VP Data Marketing, Capgemini Invent 
Wednesday May 22nd | 4:00 – 4:30 PM CET

This panel explores the future of human interaction with AI and autonomous systems like self-driving cars, aircraft and robots. We’ll delve into innovative, end-to-end approaches that foster trust and seamless collaboration.

  • Speakers: Jean-Christophe Lambert, Co-Founder & CEO, Ascendance Flight Technologies | Valérian Chambon, Senior Research Scientist, ENS | Solène Le Bars, Scientific Leader – Future of Healthcare Program, Capgemini Engineering | David Jackson, CTO Products & Systems Engineering, Capgemini Engineering
  • Moderator: Anne-Laure Cadène, VP Head of University Partnerships, Capgemini Engineering
Wednesday May 22nd | 4:40 – 5:10 PM CET

Elon Musk and his Starlink constellation of several thousand satellites in Low Earth Orbit have given the space sector a new lease of life. What are the new challenges, opportunities and risks, and what role can Europe play? Join us to hear what our experts have to say.

  • Speakers: Pierre Bertrand, Co-Founder & CEO, Skynopy | Guillaume Scottez, Director Innovation & Corporate Venturing, Eutelsat
  • Moderator: Patrice Duboé, EVP, CTIO Aerospace & Defense, Capgemini
Wednesday May 22nd | 5:20 – 5:50 PM CET

Explore how men and women can join forces in the professional world to promote gender equality and diversity. This conference offers inspiring perspectives and practical strategies for creating inclusive, egalitarian work environments and meeting the expectations of the Rixain law requiring 40% women in senior positions by 2029.

  • Speakers: Delphine Cosimo, VP Cash Management Performance, Alstom | Etienne Grass, Managing Director France, Capgemini Invent | Idriss Elasri, Chief Core Engineering Officer, Capgemini Engineering

Conferences – Thursday May 23rd | On our booth, Hall 1 – D25

Thursday May 23rd | 10:00 – 10:30 AM CET 

Speakers will share their vision for consumer devices and the trends, opportunities, and challenges that consumer hardware companies face today. Also discuss today’s users’ expectations of hyper-personalization and revolution due to technological innovations (i.e. GenAI).

  • Speaker: Samir Yahou, Sales Executive, Salesforce | Gaytri Khandelwal, Global Platform Leader, Capgemini 
Thursday May 23rd | 10:40 – 11:10 AM CET

In the hospitality industry, a successful customer experience translates into premium customer service and hyper-personalized content and offers. Thanks to Gen AI, employees will be able to “offload” certain tasks inherent in the creation of personalized content and concentrate on high value-added tasks such as improved customer journeys or tailor-made solutions. 

  • Speaker: Diane Fanton, VP Branding, Communication & Omnichannel, Accor | Priscille Bravard, Client Relation Director, Ponant | Anne Bioulac, Executive Vice President – Head of Customer Data & Analytics, frog, part of Capgemini Invent
Thursday May 23rd | 11:20 – 11:50 AM CET

A discussion on the challenges and opportunities of reduced carbon emissions in maritime transportation. Experts from the New Energies Coalition, the startup Beyond The Sea, and Capgemini will share their insights on what is at stake, on emerging technologies, regulations, and will share their vision of the collaborations needed to achieve a cleaner maritime future.

  • Speakers: Marc Thienpont, CEO, Beyond The Sea | Emilie Espanet, General Secretary, New Energies Coalition | Stéphane Lefranc, VP Sustainability Services Head, Capgemini
  • Moderator: Gaël Prudhomme, Bordeaux AIE Lead, Capgemini
Thursday May 23rd | 12:00 – 12:30 PM CET

AI for an augmented emergency doctor: We have developed an innovative tool to help emergency doctors make decisions in complex medical situations, thereby facilitating patient care. AI is essential for making these decisions and providing better care for patients with major trauma. It’s also important to offer a high level of expertise in making the most of data throughout its lifecycle, from collection to use case and then industrialization, to bring it as close as possible to the end user and thus have a tangible impact.

  • Speakers: Dr Tobias Gauss, Traumatrix | Charlotte Pierron-Perlès,EVP, Managing Director of Intelligent Industry, Capgemini Invent
Thursday May 23rd | 12:40 – 1:10 PM CET* 

Reducing waste is a major challenge in improving the environmental and social footprint of Consumer Products & Retail sectors. Discover with our panel of experts how new technologies are helping traditional industry players rethink their model in a market disrupted by start-ups’ innovations.

  • Speakers: Marie-Astrid de Meynard, Team Manager Key Accounts, Too good To Go | Manuel Chatain, CSR ESG Manager in Retail & Food Industries, Carrefour
  • Moderator: Marie-Neige Couriaut, Deputy Head of Sustainability Business, Capgemini 
Thursday May 23rd | 1:20 – 1:50 PM CET* 

Reindustrialization is driven by the need for supply chain resilience, create and retain skilled jobs, the pursuit of climate targets and regaining a competitiveness. Discover insights from a global survey of organizations in Europe and US, and where they stand in their reindustrialization journeys.

  • Speakers: Corinne Jouanny, EVP Portfolio Management & Intelligent Industry Lead, Capgemini
Thursday May 23rd | 2:00 – 2:30 

Energy transition, production and consumption, and its impact on climate change, have become one of the most hotly debated topics in recent decades. In this session, you’ll explore with experts from the world of energy why today is the time to move to new ways of managing energy operations, and the vital role of energy innovation in sustainable transformation. You’ll also have the opportunity to discover our new energy management solution: the Energy Command Center.

  • Speakers: Natasha Nelson, Vice President Ecostructure, Schneider Electric| Christophe Vidal, Vice President Digital Engineering Services, Capgemini
Thursday May 23rd | 2:40 – 3:10 PM CET 

The panelists will share their experiences related to the development of products and services resilient to our finite world, from securing supplies of critical materials or low-carbon resources, to the design of products compatible with planetary limits or regulatory constraints linked to the reuse of recycled materials. , repairability. The issues related to the management of climate and insurability risks, the choice of circular rather than linear models and the management of the end of life of the product will also be discussed. 

  • Speakers: Sandrine Bouttier-Stref – Global CSR Lead – Sanofi | Isabelle Spiegel – Environment Director, Vinci | Bertrand Swiderski – CSR Director, Carrefour & CEO, Perifem | Thomas Ruaudel – VP Sustainable Futures – Capgemini Invent
Thursday May 23rd | 3:20 – 3:50 PM CET 

GenAI makes it easier to understand and use complex technical, commercial and contractual documentation, so that the right information is made available to users. Here’s a look at two operational implementations at SNCF Réseaux and RATP.

  • Speakers: Olivia Fischer, Head of Markets, Offers and Customer Experience, SNCF Réseaux| Mathilde Villeneuve, Project Director – Data Factory, RATP | Pablo Celada, Digital Factory &AI Practice Director, Alstom |  Farès Goucha, Director Rail Industry, Capgemini Invent 
  • Moderator:  Lucile Ramackers, Senior Manager & Sustainable mobility Lead, Capgemini Invent
Thursday May 23rd | 4:00 – 4:30 PM CET 

The ROME (Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers et des Emplois) is a tool for describing jobs and associated skills, promoting professional mobility and matching job vacancies with applicants. The ROME is evolving: the challenge is to go from 532 job descriptions to almost 3,000 in two years, using a pragmatic approach. The GenAI-based approach will considerably speed up the production of these records and facilitate dialogue between professionals to finalize the new generation of ROME records.

  • Speakers: Catherine Beauvois, Project Director for Skills 4.0, JOP and the development of behavioural sciences, France Travail | Alexandre Lapène, Director Data Science & Engineering for Intelligent Industry, Capgemini Invent 
Thursday May 23rd | 4:40 – 5:10 PM CET

Digital levers can help improve infrastructure management and facilitate the transition from a reactive supervision model to a predictive and anticipatory hyper-supervision model, all aimed at optimizing the operational performance of assets. 

  • Speaker: Jérôme Kazmierczak, Director of the Surveillance & Supervision Program, SNCF Réseau | William Eldin, CEO, XXII | Christophe Laloyer, Directeur des Systèmes d’Information, VNF 
  • Moderator:Amine Ghaffor, Director Smart Plant, Capgemini Invent
Thursday May 23rd | 5:20 – 5:50 PM CET

France and the European Union are facing major challenges of reindustrialization, with several large-scale programs to implement in the years to come. However, many challenges await us to achieve these objectives and green our fleet, while preparing for scalability towards new territories.

  • Speakers: Pina Schlombs, Sustainability Lead, Siemens|Amira Tantaoui El Araki, Senior Director – Smart & Sustainable Plants, Capgemini Invent

Conferences – Friday May 24th | On our booth, Hall 1 – D25

Friday May 24th | 10:00 – 10:30 AM CET

The beauty industry is entering a(more) responsible era thanks to innovation and sustainability that are transforming this sector as a whole. The integration of new technologies promotes a more responsible future, with solutions developed end-to-end for a global, conscious and ethical approach to beauty. 

  • Speakers: Nicola Balena, VP cosmetics, Gerresheimer |Maria Solimène, Vice President Luxury, Capgemini Invent
  • Moderator: Renaud Tirfoin, Vice President Intelligent Industry, Capgemini Invent 
Friday May 24th | 10:40 – 11:10 AM CET

What methods and tools are needed to assess the robustness, transparency and auditability of a digital project’s cost/benefit balance?

  • Speaker: Paul Peyret – Cerema, Project Manager, 5G Open Road | Caroline Vateau, Principal Sustainable IT, Capgemini Invent
Friday May 24th | 11:20 – 11:50 AM CET

How AI is changing financial services in a context of high customer expectations in terms of hyper-personalization and experience.

  • Speakers: Romaric Rollet, Innovation Director, Crédit Agricole CIB | Laurent Kocinski, CEO, Meelo | Christophe Bourguignat, CEO, Zelros Mathilde Testard, Head of IA & Data, Capgemini Invent
  • Moderator: Olivier Jamault, Head of Innovation Financial Services, Capgemini

Friday May 24th | 12:00 – 12:30 PM CET

How will payment service providers offer their customers new methods to meet the challenges of security and user experience?

  • Speakers: Ronan Le Bot, Distribution Director, Cartes Bancaires | César Lengelle, Chief Operating Officer, BPCE Payment Services | Arielle le Bail, Product Director France, Stripe | Jean Guillaume, CEO, Xpollens | Yann Leclerc, Head of Payments, Capgemini 
  • Moderator: Olivier Jamault, Head of Innovation Financial Services, Capgemini
Friday May 24th | 12:40 – 13:10 PM CET

How do traditional banking groups work effectively with start-ups to facilitate their time-to-market?

  • Speakers: Laurent Darmon, CEO, La Fabrique by Crédit Agricole | Anaïs Desmoulins, CEO, Sline | Stéphane Rio, CEO, | Lucia Sinapi, Managing Director, Capgemini Ventures
  • Moderator: Olivier Jamault, Head of Innovation Financial Services, Capgemini
Friday May 24th | 1:20 – 1:50 PM CET

Against a backdrop of industrial recovery and a shortage of talent, companies are looking to implement effective upskilling and reskilling strategies to accelerate the skills development of their employees. We invite you to discover how new technologies such as immersive learning with 3D/VR/AR solutions, metaverse, AI and GenAI are reinventing the future of training and providing solutions to meet these challenges. 

  • Speakers: Jérôme Goris, Responsable Centre de Formation Log’in by Daher | Anthony Gugliotta, Pilote Transformation Digitale | Orano MeloxAlexandre Embry, CTIO, Head of Metaverse-Lab, Capgemini
  • Moderator: Marion Le Roy, Nuclear Academy Leader, Capgemini Engineering 
Friday May 24th | 2:00 – 2:30 PM CET

We are all players in our own lives. But we sometimes tend to forget that! How can we realise our full potential, achieve fulfilment and flourish in both our professional and personal lives? Developing an entrepreneurial dynamic, overcoming obstacles, moving from intention to action and cultivating a mindset that generates opportunities are the keys to self-fulfilment.

  • Speakers: Laura Lesueur Motivational Business Speaker and Author |Elisa Guymare, Talent Manager France, Capgemini 
Friday May 24th | 2:40 – 3:10 PM CET

When the train meets the electric truck to create an innovative carbon-free logistics solution for parcel distribution in the regions.We supported SNCF & Renault Trucks to integrate secure parcel transport boxes / lockers compatible with the entire range of Renault Trucks electric vehicles in order to experiment with them in the TELLi program.

  • Speakers: Lémar Rustar, Head of Urban Logistics Business Development, Renault Trucks | Caroline Caudron – Programme Services Manager, Train Léger innovant
  • Moderator: Olivier Picard, Vice-President, Head of Design capability, frog, part of Capgemini Invent 
Friday May 24th | 3:20 – 3:50 PM CET

The European AI Act was passed on 13 March and requires companies to comply by the beginning of 2026: there is an urgent need for companies to embrace trusted AI. Today, companies are at a loss. They don’t know where to start to certify their large-scale AI systems, or how to deal with this complex legal and scientific issue!  

  • Speakers: Nicolas Watrigant, Trusted AI Director, Orange France | Raphaël Viné, Market Director, Data & Healthcare, Quantmetry, part of Capgemini Invent | Aldrick Zappellini, Data Groupe Officer & Chief Data Officer Groupe, Crédit Agricole S.A
  • Moderator: Étienne Grass, Managing Director, Capgemini Invent France
Friday May 24th | 4:00 – 4:30 PM CET 

Two years after the irruption of Generative AI into our daily lives, how mature is the transformation of large enterprises? In this discussion with Microsoft and Mistral.AI, we look at the market, the state of the art and the technological prospects associated with scaling up generative AI.

  • Speakers: Eléonore Arcelin, Solution Architect, Mistral AI | Matthieu Bret, Data & AI Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft |Pierre Demeulemeester, VP AI Strategy & Transformation, Capgemini Invent
  • Moderator: Virginie Toussaint, Automotive & Railway Marketing Director, Capgemini Engineering
Friday May 24th | 4:40 – 5:10 PM CET

How the Digital Product Passport (DPP), a genuine digital medium for the life of a product, enables it to be traced throughout its life cycle, serving environmental performance, circularity and product information. 

  • Speakers: Stéphane Lannuzel, BeautyTech Program Director, L’Oréal | Didier Veloso – CEO, GS1 | Hervé d’Halluin, Leader RFID United & Referent Interactive Sport Products, Decathlon
  • Moderator: Stéphane Théry, Senior Director, Capgemini Invent
Friday May 24th | 5:20 – 5:50 PM CET

How AI is helping premium brands build predictive models despite the lack of historical data in a context of scarcity and constant novelties.

  • Speakers: Julie Godefroy, Head of supply worldwide, Louboutin | Sofiane Medjkoune, Director Data Science & Engineering – Intelligent Industry, Capgemini Invent

Conferences – Saturday May 25th | On our booth, Hall 1 – D25

Saturday May 25 | 10:00 – 10:30 AM CET

Pollution, overfishing, climate change, oil drilling… Marine ecosystems are under severe strain. And yet the oceans are essential to life on Earth. We need to protect them as a matter of urgency.Against this backdrop, our scientific teams are working with researchers to harness the full power of technology, including AI. The Tara Ocean Foundation, France’s first publicly recognised foundation dedicated to the oceans, will be at our side to share its vision and the solutions on the way.

  • Speakers: Romain Troublé, CEO, Tara Océan Foundation | François Danhiez, Doctorate in Oceanography and Remote Sensing, Capgemini Engineering | Emmanuel LochonCapgemini
Saturday May 25 | 11:00 – 11:30 AM CET

We take an open and positive approach to the subject of disability, focusing on innovation and value creation for the benefit of people with disabilities, businesses and, ultimately, all of us. This is why we launched our partnership with Handilab and why we are working with Signes de sens on the Ben le Koala application for families.

  • Speakers: Philippe Hello, President’s advisor, Fiminco Group | Antoine Bossis, in charge of innovation and startups, Groupe Fiminco | Sébastien Sellier, Development Director, Signes de sens | Hélène Chinal, Transformation Director, Southern and Central Europe, Capgemini
Saturday May 25 | 2:00 – 2:30 PM CET

Between 5 and 10 years is the average time a patient waits before being diagnosed with endometriosis and treated, making it a real public health issue. In partnership with the Croix Rousse University Hospital and Mapatho, our R&I teams are developing projects to speed up diagnosis and improve patients’ quality of life.

  • Speakers : Axelle Ayad, CIO, Mapatho|Charlotte Alliod, PhD et R&I Director France, Capgemini Engineering 
Saturday May 25 | 2:30 – 3:00 PM CET

They tell us about their career paths, the opportunities they’ve seized and why it’s so natural for them to work in the tech world. Come and meet them to open up your career prospects and reinvent your future! 

*Conferences in French

Rewrite your future with us
Take part in our inspiring and interactive activities to learn more about our capabilities and discover the future we could write together.

    Escape Game | Continuously on our stand

    Take part in this 100% digital experience equipped with Artificial Intelligence to discover our latest innovations. Be discerning, only the best will win!

    May 25 | Continuously on our stand

    Big contest on board the Peugeot Sport racing simulator. Come challenge professional SimRacing driver Maxime Brient at the wheel of the Peugeot 9X8 and try to win tcikets for the 24 Hours of Le Mans!

    May 25 | 9:00 – 12:00

    10 Capgemini female employees participate in the Bootcamp organized by Viva Technology by mentoring for a morning, and more if interested, 10 middle school girls selected by associations. A great opportunity to open the world of tech to female talents.

      Our demos

      On our booth, Hall 1 – D25

      Get to know our environmentally friendly, lightweight, and compact 1-seater TT 4×4 planter with a hybrid electric-hydrogen powertrain.  It can plant about 1500 plants in one day covering roughly an area of one hectare. It has a range of 30-40 km. The vehicle returns every evening to recharge and, the next morning heads back to the woods with seedlings from the local forest nurseries.

      • Our expert: Thomas Boudeville, Project Manager Program Management Office, Capgemini Engineering
      Experience the future of sports through this immersive exhibition, inviting visitors to reconsider their relationship with sports and life. Through design and foresight, the demo explores environmental and societal issues in sports-related spaces, products, experiences, and uses. Let’s dive into 2050!

      • Our experts: Audrey Koné, Communications Manager, frog, part of Capgemini Invent & Julien Giffard, Vice-President, Head of Strategy & Transformation capability, frog, part of Capgemini Invent
      The demo is a powerful & easy-to-use simulator that combines thermal simulations & AI to assess solutions to urban heat islands by integrating green spaces in cities. SIM City for Climate is at the heart of a new sustainability offer for climate change adaptation. The demo simulates and illustrates the potential of greening solutions that help industries and cities tackle heat islands.

      • Our expert: Sylvain Raynal, R&I coordinator for co-funded projects, Capgemini Engineering
      Discover how a mobile app can monitor concentration, workload, vigilance, and stress using EEG sensors during online courses or tasks. Neuralcoach employs Machine Learning and Deep Learning to analyze brain signals, offering real-time feedback to enhance learning and self-awareness. This enables personalized, interactive learning experiences adaptable to any context.

      • Our experts: Nicolai Wolpert, Neuroscientist, Data Scientist, Capgemini Engineering & Dennis Wobrock, Data & AI Engineer, Capgemini Engineering
      VisionCheck is a mobile machine vision tool that works on smartphones. It combines the advantages and features of an industrial vision cell with the convenience of a smartphone. The platform can assist in training, quality control, and maintenance.

      • Our expert: Frank Ben Zaquin, Solution Architect, Computer Vision & AI, Capgemini Engineering
      See how a mobile app solution and a web platform help farmers implement agricultural best practices. TerrAI is a decision-support platform that gathers and analyses data, applying computer vision and AI to photos to determine soil health. The tool is free for farmers but profitable for buyers of agricultural products in the value chain.

      • Our expert: Yann Jehanneuf, Director of Rennes Applied Innovation Exchange, Capgemini
      Embark on a journey through diverse use cases, showcasing the versatility of Gen AI across a range of industries

      • Our experts: Adrien Calvayrac, Innovation Lead Southern & Central Europe, Capgemini Arthur Dreujou, Senior Software Engineer, Lead Tech AR/VR, Capgemini
      Discover how Île-de-france Mobilités PRIM platform (B2B / open data) revolutionizes the management of passenger information in the Île-de-France region, by providing data on points of interest (POIs), transport stops and lines, itineraries, real-time traffic, etc. and a new dataset dedicated to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We will also introduce an intelligent assistant as part of a proof of concept (POC), answering questions about route finding, traffic and disruptions on the transport network in several languages, using data and APIS from the PRIM platform. Technologically powered by Azure OpenAI Studio and Azure capabilities, the solution responds effectively to user queries.

      • Our experts:  Dominique Larue,, VP – Head of Azure Cloud Center Of Excellence – South Central Europe, Capgemini and Ludovic Toinel, Principal FullStack Architect, Capgemini

      Find out more about the start-ups working with us:

      Meet our leader

      Pascal Brier

      Group Chief Innovation Officer
      Pascal Brier was appointed Group Chief Innovation Officer and member of the Group Executive Committee on January 1st, 2021. In this position, Pascal oversees Technology, Innovation and Ventures for the Group.