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Succeed beyond your frontiers.

From traditional data exchange and monetization to modern data sharing and co-creation, data ecosystems are integral to the new “experience economy”. Whether in the public or the private sector, turning those ecosystems into tangible value for organizations and end-users demands a solid foundation. 

The new tectonic shift in data is sharing 

Data sharing is a massive growth opportunity. Our Capgemini Research Institute report,  Data-sharing masters: How smart organizations use data ecosystems to gain an unbeatable competitive edge, shows thatorganizations that use more than seven data sources have nearly 14x the fixed-asset turnover and 2x the market capitalization compared to organizations who do not use any external data for decision making.   

Moreover, there is a clear trend within organizations to accelerate data ecosystem engagements: 84% of organizations plan to launch new data ecosystem initiatives within the next three years. One in four organizations (25%) will invest upwards of $50m in data ecosystems in the next 2‒3 years.  

Expand your business frontiers with Collaborative Data Ecosystems 

Today, businesses that explore the infinite possibilities of data, thrive.  

Data collaboration is an eye-opener—one that helps you see yourself as the world sees you. Forget your data silos and learn how to expand. Exchange data and you’ll find new ways to succeed beyond your frontiers, creating new products, services, or experiences.  

Like the Internet did in 1997, data heralds change by 2025. In just 4 years it’s expected that Data Ecosystems will be worth 60 trillion, which is 30% of the global economy (McKinsey). This brave new world is already here. Decide where you want to be.   

The race is on! Organizations need to stay ahead in the data game 

Organizations have to engage so as not to be left behind. To help them become data sharing masters and make the most of data collaboration business opportunities, our Data & AI team along with Capgemini Invent have created a new offer on Collaborative Data Ecosystems. From setting the strategy and operating model to the implementation with the right technology components and trusted data platforms, we support organizations derive new value from partnering with others and expand their market.  

Don’t know where to start? Have a look at our brochure to gauge your organization’s digital maturity and determine where you should start your data ecosystems transformation journey.  

Power your ESG solutions with Collaborative Data Ecosystems 

The collaborative data-sharing concept can be used to shape cloud-based platforms that bring together data from a wide range of internal and external sources to power an integrated suite of ESG-related applications. 

Capgemini has partnered with Snowflake to enable the more efficient integration and merging of data as part of an ESG cloud. Discover how the Snowflake Financial Services Data Cloud plays a vital role in the ESG financial services cloud. See our brochure.


How Telcos can make waves with new business and services

Data Masters Rendezvous:
Unleashing the Power of Data Ecosystems

Past event: Thursday, October 28th, 2021 at 9:00 am EST 

Data ecosystems are emerging across industries, from financial services to automotive and public sector. They create an entire new data economy opening business opportunities for organizations.  

In this inspiring session on data ecosystems – and second in our Data Masters Rendezvous event series – Capgemini Invent’s Valérie Perhirin, Capgemini’s Anne-Laure Thieullent, and  Priyanka Jha, Manager, Value Proposition at AXA, discussed  the potential of data sharing ecosystems with Maribel Lopez, founder of Lopez Research, a market research and consulting firm.

Expert perspectives

Data and AI

Charting the course to data sharing

Nov 23, 2021
Data and AI

Data ecosystems on the rise

Oct 13, 2021