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Team Manager


Experienced professionals

Data and AI

“I always tell my team members, ‘If there’s something you’re not happy with, let us know.’ We have all the possibilities at Capgemini.”

I’ve consistently been immersed in the IT field, and I believe it’s where I’ll continue to thrive. In the early stages of my career, I was deeply involved in technical aspects and even worked in a support role. As I progressed professionally and assumed greater responsibilities, I gradually transitioned towards project management. I was offered the role of Team Manager at Capgemini in my first year and have been with the company for approximately seven years now. In my perspective, the key aspect of my role as a Team Manager is to offer support when team members encounter challenges. By addressing their issues, they can concentrate on their work without distractions, leading to a mutually beneficial outcome.

How has Capgemini supported your personal development?

In fact, I believe we offer the most extensive training and upskilling opportunities in the market. There are many opportunities for growth; if you want to develop, you can. Whether it’s within your field or a parallel track, the possibilities are there. Personally, I’ve had a long journey within Capgemini, and I’ve received substantial support and development. In my role as a Team Manager, I’ve received guidance on handling challenging questions and have never felt alone. I’ve undergone various leadership and management training programs through Capgemini.

How would you define your leadership style?

I would describe my leadership style as human-centric, with a focus on putting people at the center of everything. People are at the core of our work, and everything we do affects them. It’s essential to consider the whole person, not just their professional role. If someone is facing personal challenges or stress, it can impact their work. As a leader, I can’t always solve personal problems, but I can listen, provide support, and offer guidance when needed. Communication and empathy are essential.

What do you do to inspire and motivate your consultants?

I try to ensure that we have a fun atmosphere at work, which can often be achieved through simple means. For example, organizing a coffee break or participating in our fun committee to arrange events like holiday parties, summer gatherings, and after-work activities. I prioritize to create moments where we come together, chat with colleagues, and foster a sense of fellowship.

What do you think characterizes the people and culture at Capgemini?

We are a massive company, which is advantageous because if you encounter a complex problem without an immediate solution, there’s always someone who can help you figure it out. We have experts in every field, and there’s always a resource to turn to, whether it’s through a Center of Excellence or our competence areas. Even if the help isn’t in Sweden, it’s available worldwide through our global network of Capgemini colleagues. To give you an example, a consultant on my team needed assistance, and the help came from Capgemini in Brazil. With the help of another colleague who could speak Portuguese and acted as a translator, the consultant received the support needed from the other side of the world.

Why should others consider joining Capgemini?

Because we are one of the largest consultancy companies in Sweden and we strive to be the best in all the areas we operate in. We are always looking to the future, and that aligns with the employees here. We can help you progress if you want to advance. There are significant opportunities for personal development and career transitions. I always tell my team members, ‘If there’s something you’re not happy with, let us know.’ We have all the possibilities at Capgemini.

Testimonial given when Hans worked as a Team Manager at Capgemini.

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