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Lorena Thai

Lorena Thai

Management Consultant (Invent) Based in Geneva!


Experienced professionals

Business analysis

Business transformation

Creative and design

Data management

Innovation & New Technologies

Marketing and Communications

Strategy & Advisory

Strategy and Transformation

Could you please give us an insight into your role and area of operations?

I have been working at Capgemini since May 2021. I initially joined Capgemini Invent in Munich and transferred to Geneva in 2022, where I have been working as a Strategist as part of the frog team, focusing on Innovation, Strategy and Design (ISD).

How do you think is it important to the success of Capgemini in Switzerland?

I think the role is important to the success of Capgemini in Switzerland, as a Strategist at frog brings a well-rounded set of capabilities especially coming from a creative, customer-centric, and innovative point of view, challenging the status quo. In my past project we ran user research to derive desirable concepts from an end-user point of view and complemented those insights from viability perspective. ISD topics include developing innovative concepts (whether they are digital or physical product-related) that are based on both qualitative and quantitative insights and evidence.

Could you describe the main requirements of your client(s) and the solution we are providing?

In my last two projects, I worked as a Strategist / User Researcher, supporting both in qualitative and quantitative research to inform product design for a CPRD client in Geneva. We helped our client come up with new product accessory concepts & personalization designs and assessed their desirability, feasibility, and viability. The ultimate goal is to increase brand awareness as the brand is still quite new and especially expand the product portfolio to help the client showcase a strong, innovative brand that meets latent user needs.

What are your top three to five priorities in the coming year?

  1. Continue to foster mindfulness in the company, sharing a positive mindset
  2. Continue to collaborate with different industries/units/markets in building compelling proposals
  3. Continue to build my skills related to data and analytics as this is becoming more and more a basic requirement

What do you see as the key challenges that we may face in this area?

Providing a better mindfulness and wellbeing program to retain our talent is crucial and I see it in established consultancies as an integral part of employee benefits, which employees appreciate and take almost for granted.

Any other key information you would like to share about your area of work?

Looking forward to continuing to collaborate with different industries and markets and bringing a well-rounded strategist profile to drive value through creativity, critical thinking and a high motivation to deliver excellent quality both internally and to the client.

Could you share with us any one thing about you not widely known to the team?

Growing up, I was a nerdy child. I had many interests and was always curious. So now, I play piano, guitar, I sing, I have been an art instructor, I teach yoga and I speak 5 different languages (on at least a conversational level). Hence, this year, joining the Capgemini Swiss Rugby team was another new activity I never thought I would be doing, but it was one of the greatest experiences this year!