Capgemini Research Institute

Conversations for Tomorrow

Conversations for Tomorrow è la pubblicazione trimestrale di Capgemini rivolta a un pubblico globale. Il magazine riporta i punti di vista di aziende leader a livello mondiale, figure pubbliche, mondo accademico e influencer su un determinato tema. L’ampia varietà di contenuti proposti include interviste, articoli di collaboratori esterni e approfondimenti tratti da alcuni report del Capgemini Research Institute. All’interno di questa vasta gamma e diversità di opinioni espresse da leader globali troverai senz’altro qualcosa di tuo interesse. Buona lettura!


Why sustainability ambition is not translating to action

Looking towards the future of the automotive industry 

Sustainability is a cornerstone of today’s manufacturing operations, but are organizations doing enough?

Food loss or waste continues to be a major problem across the lifecycle of food. 


How to prepare your organization for a quantum advantage now.

The state of 5G and edge in industrial operations.

How automotive OEMs can harness the potential of software-driven transformation.

Customer experience

2023 consumer behavior tracker for the consumer products and retail industries

Why CMOs should enable real time marketing to drive sustained growth

2022 consumer behavior tracker for the Consumer Products and Retail industries

How to drive AI at scale to transform the financial services customer experience

Lavoro e leadership

How companies can make life better for their most important assets

Conversations for tomorrow #2

Creating the hybrid-workplace leader

Dati e intelligenza artificiale

Governments today are expected to address a wide range of complex, interconnected challenges. 

The growing urgency around climate change has placed it at the forefront of global issues.

Unlocking the data premium at speed and scale

How smart organizations use data ecosystems to gain an unbeatable competitive edge

Intelligent Industry

Augmented resilience, performance, and sustainability will allow organizations to take a customer-centric focus

Progress in digital technologies and rapidly evolving customer demand have led to a new level of interconnectivity, driven by advanced software and unprecedented volume and quality of data.

Note di ricerca

Where are organizations investing?

Conversations for tomorrow #4: The new face of marketing

Marketing is changing – for good and for the better. Stakeholder expectations have been reset, and brands are expected to act responsibly, sustainably, and to provide real value to individuals as well as societies.

    Conversations for Tomorrow #3: Intelligent industry

    Perspectives from an array of business leaders, entrepreneurs, technologists, and academics, on how the convergence of products, software, and services heralds the next big transformation opportunity for organizations.

      Conversations for Tomorrow #2: The future of work

      We examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the business landscape, accelerating the digitalization process and revolutionizing the way that we work.

        Conversations for Tomorrow #1: A sustainable future

        A sustainable future calls for collective action, bolder leadership, and smarter technologies.

          Meet our experts

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