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Business Agility
Point of view

Business agility

To succeed, it is not enough just to do agile – you have to be agile.

The quest to attain Business Agility is nothing new for organizations, but the pandemic has meant that the ability to rapidly adapt to market and environmental upheaval in a productive and cost-efficient manner has become business critical.

Prior to the pandemic we analyzed organizations’ maturity in their agile transformation and saw a clear need to accelerate transformation – only 20.4% stated they had truly established agile ways of working across the organization. Now, with the catalyzing urgency COVID-19 has provided, organizations that had not taken their Agile transformation seriously enough are finding themselves under pressure.

Organization-wide agility is not a destination – it is an ongoing commitment to deliver customer value faster and adapt better to changing conditions. But there is no ‘size fits all’ blueprint for agile transformation, no standardized framework to apply. A much more flexible approach is needed. So, how can organizations achieve true Business Agility?

Our new point of view ‘Business Agility – how it’s not yet another buzzword’ lays out how an entire organization can gain the ability to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in a productive and cost-efficient way. In it we identify four stages underpinned by our established agile at scale approach, that lead the way to greater flexibility and resilience:

  • Experiment: 3-6 months – pilot Agile(@Scale) structures and mindset to create tangible benefits and therefore buy-in.
  • Coordinate: 9-12 months – broaden and scale practices horizontally beyond the pilot within selected areas to create further momentum.
  • Integrate: 12-24 months – scale practices vertically beyond to the portfolio level and adapt planning and budgeting approaches.
  • Accelerate: (continuous) ­– scale to enterprise level and integrating central functions into a holistic Target Operating Model.

Working systematically through the four stages and applying our proven MVO approach will help organizations achieve Business Agility faster and more confidently. On such a dynamic playing field the goal posts will and must keep shifting. The question is – will your organization be agile enough to respond quickly when they do, not just for the sake of continued relevance, but to achieve a sizeable competitive advantage?