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Client Story


The digital patient platform, MineAftaler, significantly improves everyday life for patients and hospital staff

Region Midtjylland and Capgemini have cooperated closely in delivering digital solutions to all hospitals across the region for more than 25 years. A central component in this cooperation is patient self-service, where Capgemini is the supplier of the digital patient app, MineAftaler, which assists patients in their digital encounter with hospitals and, at the same time, is a highly valued tool for staff. 

Danish regions are investing heavily in digitization and these investments are increasingly focusing on patient self-service. Region Midtjylland has been a frontrunner in this development. Capgemini has worked closely with the region to develop the digital patient and citizen platform MineAftaler, which can be used by all adults in the region via an app on their mobile device or from their workstation.  

MineAftaler provides citizens with a broad range of patient self-service features, such as patient appointment booking, secure video consultation, arrival check-in, and patient calling in hospitals. 

In close cooperation with healthcare staff in the region, we have created a digital platform that makes it much easier to be a patient,” explains Annette Spicker, Engagement Director at Capgemini Danmark. “MineAftaler has become a very popular app, and we’re constantly improving it with new functions and facilities. But there’s more to it than purely a patient-centric tool. The MineAftaler app is contributing to improving the efficiency of medical and administrative staff as well.

MineAftaler is closely integrated with the Electronic Health Record of Region Midtjylland. As a result, staff no longer have to reenter information and the solution is easy to use and to integrate into employees’ work procedures. 

Significant savings in staff time consumption

The citizens in Region Midtjylland have welcomed the potential for patient self-service. By the end of 2022, the citizen platform had an average of more than 200.000 visits per month. In November 2022, 60.000 citizens booked or changed appointments using the MineAftaler app. As a result, the region’s hospitals could free up 20 full-time positions. 

With the MineAftaler app, we continue to put new technological solutions in front of patients and hospital staff. And our experience shows that when patients become more self-reliant, the resulting savings in time spent by medical staff ultimately means they can focus on other patient-related activities,” adds Annette Spicker. 

Patient-focus in solution

The positive outcomes of citizens and hospitals using MineAftaler are a result of a targeted cooperation between Region Midtjylland and Capgemini. Annette Spicker sees patient self-service as a general trend in healthcare services where patients want to manage their healthcare digitally. 

We currently see a general demand for digital solutions in the hospital sector that places patients at the center of the treatment. Patients want to engage through digital channels and modern solutions meet this demand by contributing to a coherent healthcare system by moving treatment from central hospitals to patients’ homes, while making life easier for hospital staff,” she finishes. 

Meet Our Experts

Juri Osmolovski

Director of Public Health
In his role as Capgemini’s Director of Public Health, Juri oversees a team that is specialized in the healthcare industry, which is grappling with serious problems related to a shortage of resources and an increase in patient volume. Juri is very knowledgeable in EMR integration, automation, and optimization, and shares this knowledge with his staff and his clients with the ultimate goal of digitalizing purposefully to address the sector’s difficulties and produce value for both clinicians and patients.

Henrik Billeschou

Sales Director, Public Health
Henrik Billeschou, is the Sales Director at Capgemini Public Health, boasting nearly 20 years of experience in the Healthcare industry, backed by a solid clinical foundation. His vast know-how covers clinical workflows, resource management, Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), and clinical logistics. With a keen grasp of the unique challenges in healthcare, Henrik skillfully guides his clients through purposeful digital transformation, forging a path towards enhanced outcomes for both medical professionals and patients.