Pierre Goulaieff

Director representing employees
Member of the Compensation Committee

Nationality: French

Mr.Pierre Goulaieff initially trained as an electronic engineer (ISEN), leading him first to design maintenance and simulation tools for automated means of transport and then to become head of production at a co‑manufacturing site.

He also holds an MBA from the University of Nancy 2, a Master in Human Resources from Paris 2 Panthéon- Assas/CIFFOP University and a Master in IT and Innovation (Nancy 2 and Namur Universities).

Mr. Pierre Goulaieff joined the Capgemini group in 1998 with Capgemini Luxembourg, which became Sogeti Luxembourg in 2005, where he has held various functions (analyst, project manager and then test manager).

He is also Chairman of the Sogeti Luxembourg employee delegation since 2002.

He was a member of the International Works Council (IWC) from 2002 to 2022, a member of the IWC Bureau from 2006 to 2022 and Secretary of the IWC from 2016 to 2022 and his appointment as a Director representing employees.

Mr. Pierre Goulaieff was appointed as a Director representing employees on the Capgemini SE Board of Directors from January 27, 2022 and a member of the Compensation Committee from May 19, 2022.

Mr. Pierre Goulaieff brings to the Board of Directors his in‑depth knowledge of the Capgemini group and its businesses, as well as his experience of technological environments and his perspective as an employee, thus contributing to the diversity of profiles represented on the Board.

Principal office:
Director representing employees.