


2022年3月15日,巴黎——凯捷集团(Capgemini)再次获得 Ethisphere认可,荣登“2022年全球最具商业道德企业”榜单。Ethisphere是在定义和推广商业道德实践标准领域的全球领导者。

Paris, March 15, 2022 – Capgemini has been recognized by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, as one of the 2022 World’s Most Ethical Companies.


Capgemini has been highlighted every year since 2013. In 2022, 136 honorees were recognized, spanning 22 countries and 45 industries. This accolade illustrates, once again, Capgemini’s efforts in maintaining a strong ethical culture rooted in its core values.

“凯捷集团连续十年来上榜“全球最具商业道德企业”,彰显了我们致力于在集团内部构建强有力的道德文化。凯捷将认真肩负起全球领先地位赋予我们的额外责任。作为员工首选雇主和全球企业值得信赖的商业伙伴,我们做任何事时都会遵循最高的道德标准。”——凯捷集团CEO Aiman Ezzat

Being recognized as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for a decade now illustrates that we strive hard to build a strong ethical culture at Capgemini. We have extra responsibility that comes with our global stature and we take it very seriously,’’ comments Aiman Ezzat, CEO of the Capgemini Group. “As an employer of choice and a trusted business partner to many organizations across the world, it is critical for us to follow the highest ethical standards in everything we do.’’

“我由衷为凯捷连续十年获此殊荣感到骄傲。我相信我们的员工能够继续创新并为客户提供解决方案,同时始终按照凯捷核心价值观行事——通过每一天的工作与行动,体现我们的企业道德文化。荣获该项殊荣是凯捷致力于共同建设更具商业道德未来这一集体目标的强有力佐证。”——Philippe Christelle, Capgemini Group’s Chief Ethics Officer

I’m really proud of this 10th consecutive recognition,” says Philippe Christelle, Capgemini Group’s Chief Ethics Officer. “We trust our employees to innovate and find solutions for our clients, while always acting on our core values – contributing to our ethical culture through their choices and actions every working day. This recognition is a strong endorsement of our ongoing collective efforts to build a more ethical future.”


While Capgemini’s teams are located in more than 50 countries, they share a common culture based on honesty, trust, and respect for each other’s backgrounds and contributions to a joint enterprise. As part of its recently announced ESG policy, Capgemini has also introduced a new objective to maintain over 80% of the workforce with an Ethics Score between 7 and 10.

“如今,商业领袖正面临他们迄今为止的最大挑战,即具有道德感、负责感、且被信任地去推动积极变革。我们深受“全球最具商业道德企业”获奖者以及他们对诚信、可持续性、企业管理和业界奉献精神的鼓舞启发。祝贺凯捷连续十年获得此项殊荣。在此期间,凯捷在不损害其高道德标准的情况下实现了指数级增长。”——Timothy Erblich,Ethisphere CEO,

Today, business leaders face their greatest mandate yet to be ethical, accountable, and trusted to drive positive change,” said Ethisphere CEO, Timothy Erblich. “We continue to be inspired by the World’s Most Ethical Companies honorees and their dedication to integrity, sustainability, governance, and community. Congratulations to Capgemini for having earned the World’s Most Ethical Companies designation for ten years in a row, during which time the organization has grown exponentially without compromising its high ethical standards.






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