Paris, July 13, 2022 – Cloud sovereignty is increasingly becoming a priority for organizations looking for secure, innovative, and scalable solutions to manage their data, according to Capgemini Research Institute’s latest report, “The journey to cloud sovereignty: Assessing cloud potential to drive transformation and build trust”. The report finds that cloud sovereignty adoption is primarily driven by regulation and organizations’ need to control their data, but they also expect it to build trust, foster collaboration, and accelerate the move to a data-sharing ecosystem.
According to the report, organizations have some concerns about using the public cloud as the core of digital transformation projects: 69% of organizations cite potential exposure to extra-territorial laws in a cloud environment, 68% a lack of transparency and control over what is done with their data in the cloud, and 67% mention operational dependency on vendors based outside their region’s jurisdiction.
全球绝大多数组织认为他们将采用云主权以确保遵守法规 (71%) ,对其数据进行控制并保证透明度 (67%),同时确保免受域外数据访问 (65%) 的影响。
A large majority of organizations globally believe they will adopt cloud sovereignty to ensure compliance with regulations (71%) or to bring in controls and transparency over their data (67%), whereas ensuring immunity from extra-territorial data access (65%) comes third.
全球近一半 (43%) 的组织将云主权定义为将其数据保留在其首选管辖范围内,无论云提供商的来源如何,而只有 14% 的组织将其定义为位于同一法律管辖区的云提供商的专有使用。
Nearly half of organizations (43%) globally define cloud sovereignty as keeping their data within their preferred jurisdiction, whatever the origin of the cloud provider, whereas only 14% define it as the exclusive use of cloud providers based in the same legal jurisdiction.
在选择云服务提供商时,组织主要关注的四个关键因素分别是身份、访问管理和加密 (82%)、敏感数据在云中的隔离 (81%) 和成本竞争力 (69%) 以及具有本地/区域数据中心 (66%)。
When selecting a cloud provider, the four key factors organizations focus on primarily are identity, access management, and encryption (82%), isolation of their sensitive data in the cloud (81%) and cost competitiveness (69%) and having local/regional datacenters (66%).
Demand for cloud services is shifting in line with new expectations around sovereignty
当被问及他们对未来1-3年的预期云环境时,超过三分之一 (38%) 组织希望拥有一个带有本地数据中心的公有/混合云环境。30%组织希望使用断开连接的版本或超大规模的本地法律实体,而11%组织计划专门与位于同一法律管辖范围内的云服务提供商合作。
When asked about their expected cloud environment for the next 1-3 years, more than one-third (38%) of organizations expect to have a public/hybrid cloud environment with local data centers. 30% expect to use a disconnected version or the local legal entity of a hyperscaler, whereas 11% plan to work exclusively with cloud providers based within the same legal jurisdiction.
近一半 (48%) 的公共部门要么已经考虑将云主权作为其云战略的一部分,要么计划在未来12 个月内将其纳入考量。遵守法规(76% 公共部门 vs. 70%私营企业)和确保免于域外数据访问(69%公共部门 vs 64%私营企业)对他们的推动作用稍大一些。然而,与私营企业相比,公共部门也期望云主权能提供更多与数据相关的好处。
Nearly half (48%) of public sector organizations are either already considering cloud sovereignty as a part of their cloud strategy or planning to include it in the next 12 months. They are slightly more driven by complying with regulations (76% versus 70% for private organizations) and ensuring immunity from extra-territorial data access (69% versus 64%). However, they are also expecting more data-related benefits from sovereign cloud than private organizations.
Fostering collaboration and data-sharing ecosystems
报告还指出,在满足最高监管问题和数据安全要求的同时,组织正在关注云主权以期解锁其它好处,包括更好的协作、增加数据共享、更大的信任和创新机会等。60%组织认为云主权将有助于和受信任的生态系统合作伙伴共享数据,42%受访高管认为,受信任的可互操作云服务可以帮助他们扩展5G、人工智能 (AI) 和物联网 (IoT)。
The report also indicates that, while meeting highest regulatory concerns and data security requirements, organizations are looking at cloud sovereignty to unlock the benefits of the cloud for them, including better collaboration, increased data sharing, greater trust, and opportunities for innovation. 60% of organizations believe that cloud sovereignty will facilitate sharing data with trusted ecosystem partners, and 42% of surveyed executives believe that a trusted interoperable cloud service can help them to scale new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT).
Capgemini Research Institute surveyed executives from 1,000 organizations at the level of director or above between May and June of 2021. This included executives from 10 countries, including France, Germany, Italy, the US, the UK, India, and Australia. All of these organizations (excluding the public sector) reported revenues of more than USD1 billion for the last financial year. In addition, Capgemini Research Institute conducted 14 in-depth interviews with technology and business executives.
For more information or to download the report, visit: link to the report
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