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Capgemini X stanford digital economy lab

Unlock new opportunities created by digital economy with Capgemini’s Applied Innovation Exchange, San Francisco

The answer to many of the most pressing questions that society and businesses are asking today lies in the exploration of digital business models, applied artificial intelligence, and empowering data-driven decision making. Capgemini is the first corporate affiliate member of the Stanford Digital Economy Lab, exploring these questions.

S-DEL is a new interdisciplinary research group studying how digital technologies are transforming work, organizations, and the economy towards a world of shared prosperity. The Lab brings together a experts and relevant stakeholders to analyze data, run experiments, develop theories, and provide actionable insights to solve pressing global issues. As part of this initiative, Capgemini with its Applied Innovation Exchange and global client base, will collaborate with the S-DEL to exchange and implement ideas in real-world scenarios and provide feedback to create a meaningful impact.

Capgemini will work with the S-DEL on its initial five research tracks:

  • Digital Platforms: The ways that companies are doing business via digital platforms and intelligent technologies—and the impact these advancements will have on the economy and society.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) & the Future of Work: Understanding the evolution of the global workforce in a rapidly changing digital economy
  • Data-Driven Decision Making and Management Practices: Measuring, assessing, and predicting how data-driven decision-making and management practices are impacting the global economy and workforce.
  • Economic and Productivity Impacts of COVID-19: Studies around how businesses and workers are adapting to measures, such as lockdowns and remote working, brought on by the pandemic.
  • Measuring the Digital Economy: The exploration and creation of better methods and models to measure the health of an increasingly digital-centric economy.

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