


巴黎,2021年12月14日 – 凯捷(Capgemini)今日宣布,通过实施销售云、服务云、营销云、体验云和配置报价(CPQ)软件,支持沃尔沃汽车亚太(Volvo Car APEC)运营的数字化转型,从而提供一个精简、个性化的数字化客户旅程。

Paris, December 14, 2021Capgemini announced today that it has supported Volvo Car APEC in the digital transformation of its operations, through the implementation of Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Experience Cloud and Configure Price Quote (CPQ) software, thereby delivering a streamlined, personalized, digital customer journey.


For this innovative work, Capgemini has been named a recipient of the Salesforce Partner Innovation Award in the category of Industry – Automotive, showcasing leadership within the Salesforce ecosystem. This collaboration with Capgemini and Salesforce has enabled Volvo Car to drive efficiency and standardization across its business processes, improve sales conversion, enhance performance with real-time analytics and insights, and deliver additional business value across the region.

“在过去三年中,Salesforce对我们来说是在整个业务转型过程中赋能员工的强大工具。”沃尔沃汽车(大中华区以外)亚太地区运营负责人Keith Schäfer表示。 “Salesforce提供了实施的速度和效率,并为市场和经销商合作伙伴增值。我们与凯捷和Salesforce的合作对于帮助我们简化客户流程至关重要,同时也为我们的区域团队和零售合作伙伴提供了一个高效合作的良好平台。凯捷一直是我们珍贵的合作伙伴。”

“In the past three years, Salesforce has been a powerful tool for us, empowering our people throughout our business transformation,” said Keith Schäfer, Head of Operations at Volvo Car APEC, the Asia Pacific region outside of China. “Salesforce provides speed and efficiency in implementation, as well as adding value to our markets and our dealer partners. Our work with Capgemini and Salesforce has been crucial in supporting us to streamline our customer journey, whilst concurrently providing a sound platform enabling our regional team and our retail partners to collaborate effectively. Capgemini has been a valuable partner.”

Keith进一步补充说,: “沃尔沃汽车亚太增长计划的关键推动因素之一是建立以数据和客户为驱动的高效数字消费者旅程。我们倾力创造的这个由Salesforce赋能的强大商业生态系统,支持我们更好地了解客户需求并丰富客户的数字体验热情。”

Keith further added, “A key enabler for Volvo Car Asia-Pacific’s growth plan is to build an efficient digital consumer journey, driven by data and customer centricity. Our focus on creating a strong commercial ecosystem, powered by Salesforce, will support our passion to better understand the needs of our customers and enrich our customers’ digital experience.”

“通过利用我们基于Salesforce的解决方案,凯捷正在亚太地区帮助沃尔沃汽车在线上和线下客户旅程之间建立联系,并在每个接触点为我们的客户及其用户提供真正个性化的体验。我为我们团队在亚太地区支持沃尔沃汽车创新而感到非常自豪。”凯捷沃尔沃汽车亚太区总监兼客户经理John Sparrefors说到。

“By leveraging our solution based on Salesforce, Capgemini is supporting Volvo Car in the Asia-Pacific region to establish a link between the online and offline customer journey and providing a truly personalized experience for both our client and their customers across every touchpoint. I’m extremely proud of our team for supporting the innovation of Volvo Car in Asia-Pacific,” said John Sparrefors, Director and Account Executive for Volvo Car Asia-Pacific at Capgemini.


“Building an innovative customer journey for Volvo Car in the Asia Pacific region is Capgemini’s focus. Since 2018, we have worked with the Volvo Car team to drive successful system implementation across the region, notably in Australia, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, India, and Taiwan region,” said Bin Yu, Head of Customer Experience Practice at Capgemini in China.

Salesforce联盟与渠道执行副总裁Tyler Prince表示:“凯捷等Salesforce合作伙伴创新奖得主们坚持不懈地工作,以帮助客户获得成功。凯捷的主动性和交付成果的能力说明了Salesforce合作伙伴如何在我们遍布世界各地的新型工作中创造价值和实现数字化转型。”

“Salesforce Partner Innovation Award winners such as Capgemini work relentlessly to enable their customers’ success,” said Tyler Prince, Executive Vice President, Alliances & Channels, Salesforce. “Capgemini’s initiative and ability to deliver results illustrates how Salesforce partners are integral to creating value and enabling digital transformation in our new work-from-anywhere world.”

凯捷(Capgemini)等Salesforce合作伙伴是不断增长的“Salesforce经济”(Salesforce Economy)的一部分。根据研究机构IDC一项新研究,预测到2026年Salesforce经济及其合作伙伴预计将创造900多万个新就业机会,并带来1.6万亿美元新业务收入。该研究表明,Salesforce正在为其合作伙伴生态系统带来巨大收益,到2026年Salesforce每赚1美元,其合作伙伴将将获得6.19美元的收益。

Salesforce partners such as Capgemini are part of the growing Salesforce economy, which according to a new study by IDC*, is projected to produce more than 9 million new jobs and $1.6 trillion in new business revenue by 2026. The study finds that Salesforce is driving massive gains for its partner ecosystem, which will see $6.19 in gains for every $1 Salesforce makes by 2026.

Salesforce, and others are among the trademarks of salesforce.com, inc.

*​​IDC White Paper, sponsored by Salesforce, “The Salesforce Economic Impact,” doc #US48214821, September 20, 2021




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