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Capgemini applauds Texas department of information resources for NASCIO 2014 state CIO office recognition award win

06 Oct 2014

New York, October 6, 2014 – The Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) has been awarded the NASCIO 2014 State CIO Office Special Recognition Award for governance of its data center services initiative. With support from Capgemini, one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services, DIR has implemented an ambitious large-scale IT improvement project that merges the data centers of 28 government agencies into two consolidated data centers located in central and west Texas. To date, more than half of the servers have been consolidated and, with Capgemini’s support, 98-100 percent of DIR’s 119 service levels regularly meet or exceed expected performance targets, which has resulted in higher monthly customer ratings.

Texas’ data center services initiative is a core component of the state’s initiative to modernize the IT infrastructure across state agencies. This effort was designed to increase overall security and disaster recovery capabilities as well as reduce statewide costs for IT services. Texas DIR established an owner-operator governance model to facilitate effective decision making across participating agencies, allowing the customer’s voice to be part of strategic planning. As part of this initiative, Capgemini was selected by DIR as its multi-sourcing integrator.


The six-year agreement with DIR through 2018 is one of Capgemini’s largest infrastructure services contracts, and demonstrates the company’s Service Integration strengths. Under the agreement, Capgemini provides Service Integration infrastructure services for DIR’s data centers, mainframes, servers, networks and bulk print and mail operations. Capgemini manages the technology service providers that support the program by coordinating the complex requirements and providing visibility to DIR on progress toward statewide goals. Multi-source integration enables organizations to create an industry leading set of technology capabilities, increase supplier control and increase the value of IT against existing cost structures.

“This comprehensive initiative has paid major dividends for each of the agencies and the services they provide to citizens across the state,” said Todd Kimbriel, DIR Deputy Executive Director. “We are delighted that the program has received this recognition at a national level. The detailed framework together with the level of close collaboration with all the service providers involved has put us in a position to create a model other states can easily emulate.”
The NASCIO State IT Recognition Awards honor outstanding achievements in the field of information technology across state governments. Now in its 25th year, the NASCIO awards promote innovation, foster better government, and engage citizens. Award winners are selected by a panel of judges from NASCIO’s state and corporate members who have executive level and statewide responsibility for technology leadership.
“We extend our congratulations to the Texas Department of Information Resources on winning this award and are proud to have been involved in the success of this initiative,” said Steve Reichert, Vice President, Infrastructure Services, Capgemini. “The multi-sourcing integrator (MSI) service model employed by DIR streamlined project management across a highly complex program and offered greater visibility into performance, costs and efficiencies across all the service providers.”

“Data center consolidation is a critical issue state governments are grappling with as they look to enhance their IT infrastructure so their local agencies can continue to operate efficiently on the back-end,” said Doug Lane, CEO Capgemini Government Solutions LLC. “The DIR’s approach is an example other states should consider to put themselves on a path toward improved infrastructure efficiencies.”

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