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Cybersecurity awareness month: Train employees to be first line of defense


A cybersecurity expert warns that during Cybersecurity Awareness Month it is time for the enterprise to emphasize training that doesn’t just keep their employees from putting the business at risk, but “empowers them to become the organization’s first line of defense.”

“We need to focus on what defines awareness,” said Dan Callahan, cyber training director at Capgemini North American. “How can an employee’s actions impact the well-being of the company or fellow co-workers? Executive leaders need to consistently communicate and educate their teams about cyber risk across every business unit within the enterprise.”

Last year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month presented a different set of issues than this year’s. “The Work From Home [WFH] model provides challenges since employees that may have been hyper-aware of security concerns when working in the office may now be a bit more relaxed or distracted at home,” Callahan said. “The more employees working from home, the larger the threat landscape, which provides more opportunities for the adversary to attack.”

Read the full article on TechRepublic

Author details

Danc CallahanDan Callahan
Cyber Training Director, Capgemini Cyber Center of ExcellenceDan Callahan is an expert in Enterprise Learning and Development. He leads the Cyber Center of Excellence (COE) for North American Cybersecurity Training offerings. You can contact him at