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Micro-collision analysis: mining an untapped data source


Unlike standard collisions, micro-collisions are low-speed vehicle incidents and therefore do not cause airbag deployment. The collision data itself comes from the vehicle’s controller area network (CAN), where sensors generate over 300 elements at various sample speeds, ranging from milliseconds to seconds. Machine-learning algorithms examine data points such as acceleration, velocity, displacement, and jerk to determine if a collision occurred. Information regarding incidents is recorded, generating a wealth of vehicle and driver insights.

Several industries are well-positioned to monetize micro-collision data. By designing and deploying sensors that generate micro-collision data, automotive manufacturers are at the core of the vehicle-data ecosystem. As OEMs shift their traditional business model from vehicle sales to highly automated services, micro-collision data and algorithms will fuel services available to drivers and OEM partners. Micro-collision detection can also be used to underpin services such as usage-based insurance (UBI) pricing. Big-data firms can combine vehicle, environmental, and personal data to create innovative products and services for drivers and OEMs such as software platforms, high-definition maps, and direct marketing.

Benefits of micro-collision analyses

The benefits of these micro-collision analyses will be seen at both the enterprise and consumer levels. Customers can take advantage of asset-management tools such as detection and indication of micro-collision events that would otherwise go unnoticed, helping extend the vehicle lifecycle. In addition, the detection of minor incidents allows for cost-saving predictive maintenance insights, prompting customers to service vehicles preemptively rather than reactively.

Several interesting B2B use cases also become possible with micro-collision data. With the capability to track driver habits, businesses such as fleet operators can capitalize on asset management and decision-making using insights about minor vehicle damage and value depreciation. This also has interesting implications in the autonomous-vehicle space, where more advanced vehicle sensors can detect minor damage, maximizing vehicle lifetime and making AVs more accessible for as-a-service business models.

Join us in capturing value in the micro-collision space

Fueled by extensive innovation work and a far-reaching network of partnerships in automotive, Capgemini brings expertise in smart mobility and data monetization, making us an ideal partner to excel in capturing value in the micro-collision space.

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Courtney ErcolinoLeona MaliakalNia Hall
Courtney Ercolino Senior Manager, Smart Products & New Business Models, Capgemini InventLeona Maliakal Senior Consultant, Smart Products & New Business Models, Capgemini InventNia Hall Consultant Operations Transformation, Capgemini Invent