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The Renewable Enterprise Podcast Series

Bringing your Renewable Enterprise to life

Moving from traditional SAP architectures to SAP S/4HANA® is more than an upgrade. It’s a major transition, and a necessary response to the digital transformation of business.

An effective move to SAP S/4 HANA® means creating a new Digital Core for your organization – a next-generation platform that’s simple, that’s comprehensive, and that will evolve with your growing needs.

We leverage this platform to deliver on the promise of what we call the Renewable Enterprise’, a company able to constantly grow and adapt.

Wave 1: Experience. The Renewable Enterprise

Listen to our guest speaker, Elisabetta Spontoni, Capgemini Digital Core with SAP S/4HANA Group Offer Lead, as she shares how we leverage this platform to deliver on the promise of ‘the Renewable Enterprise’.

Browse the accompanying videos, blogs and other materials for top line insights on each episode.

Wave 2: Deliver. The Renewable Enterprise

We bring to you insights from our clients across industries, where we have successfully leveraged SAP S/4 HANA® to deliver on the promise of a Renewable Enterprise, building a scalable and future-ready platform to sustain digital transformation and enable high speed innovation with User Experience at the core.

Browse the accompanying videos, blogs and other materials for top line insights on each episode.

Connect with us via the form at the bottom of the page for more detailed insights on how Capgemini can help you become a Renewable Enterprise today.

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