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The Distribution System Operator (DSO) Model

For many years, Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) across the mainland UK have been asset owners, installing and maintaining the network infrastructure in a centre-out electricity system. But today’s model is different, with DNOs acting as both System Operator (SO) and Asset Owner (AO), the greater focus being on the latter role.

This model, which involves supplying power from large central generators to the paying customer, has relied upon increasing amounts of capital investment in distribution network assets. This investment has kept the network safe and reliable and the DNOs have been rewarded for maintaining this position.

However, the power system in Great Britain is changing rapidly. DNOs have already started to become embryonic DSOs, carrying out limited DSO services: and it’s a trend that will accelerate. To survive the transformational change ahead they must begin to reorganise into distinct AO and SO businesses. As a result the nature of the SO is likely to change beyond all recognition.

It is essential that DNOs act now if they are to take control of their future.

Please fill the below form to receive the downloadable version of DSO Model: The challenge of transformational change in the UK energy market brochure and also speak to our expert today to discover more.

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