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Capgemini’s apprentice roundtable with Apprenticeships and Skills Minister

A roundtable with the Apprenticeship and Skills Minister, Gillian Keegan MP

                <p>Capgemini has a strong, 10 year history in hiring apprentices across our UK business. As a trailblazer employer we are committed to building a diverse workforce through apprenticeships and in November our continued efforts were recognised in the Government’s newly launched Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers rankings, achieving a place at number 49 and being recognised as the only professional services organisation within the listings. <a href="">The Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers</a> is made up of employers from the public and private sector, including industries such as engineering, banking, healthcare, retail, local government, accountancy and employers from the charity sector. The Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers&nbsp;rankings celebrates 100 of the country’s most outstanding apprenticeship employers. This list supports potential apprentices, parents and careers advisers to identify the best apprenticeship opportunities with the highest performing apprenticeship employers, so Capgemini was delighted to be amongst the employers listed.</p>

Since our degree apprenticeship programme launched we have had over 160 apprentices complete the degree, with all passing and 88% achieving a 2:1 degree or above. We also have significantly grown our programme offering from 1 advanced apprenticeship in IT Web & Telecoms to a now UK wide approach, covering 18 standards and 11 training providers, across England, Scotland and Wales.

In recognition of our place in the Top 100 and our continued collaboration with The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) we were incredibly pleased to be asked to host a roundtable with the Apprenticeship and Skills Minister, Gillian Keegan MP and seven of our apprentices, where we discussed how Capgemini have used apprenticeships to grow our workforce and had the opportunity of hearing success stories from some of our incredible apprentices. The session was highly inspirational and enabled our apprentices to hear directly from the Minister about her journey from apprentice to the successful leader she is today and how she sees apprentices as the future leaders of organisations.

We are very thankful for the Minister taking the time to meet some of our apprentices, share her career experience and inspire us to continue our work in the apprenticeship area.

Click here to learn more about our apprentice opportunities