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Quality Break – TMAP: Quality Engineering at Scale

Rik Marselis, Anders Larsen, and Eleonore Fly Mathiasen will walk you through the complexity and answers to challenges with “Agile at Scale” in a Quality Assurance and Testing context on June 8th at our interactive evening workshop session at the center of Copenhagen, at Astralis Nexus.

Many organizations today work with an Agile mindset. When implementing Scrum or DevOps in a large organization many teams need to coordinate and collaborate. This brings challenges that are generally known as “Agile at scale”. The TMAP body of knowledge for quality engineering and testing supports you and your organization in solving these challenges.

This Quality Break starts with a presentation by Rik Marselis, Principal Quality Consultant and co-author of the TMAP book “Quality for DevOps teams”. In this interactive session Rik will lead with an overview of quality engineering followed by a dive into the challenges of Agile at scale and their solutions, and finally provide guidance for solving them.

We will for example look into specific roles (such as the quality orchestrator), the quality engineering strategy (using an excel-template) and the role of test automation in an at scale environment.

In the second part of this quality break you can choose from three interactive workshops:

  • The Role of the Quality Orchestrator, led by Anders Larsen
  • Test Automation at Scale, led by Eleonore Fly Mathiasen
  • The Quality Engineering Strategy, led by Rik Marselis

For the workshop-part of the evening we will need a few computers, so if you are able to bring your laptop please do so. If you can’t, no problem, then you can work together with another participant.

We look forward to welcoming you to another great Quality Break event at the amazing location of Astralis Nexus at the center of Copenhagen.​​

Presenters & Workshop hosts

Rik Marselis

Principal Quality Consultant, Author
and International Speaker
Sogeti Netherlands
Eleonore Fly Mathiasen
Quality Consultant & Trainer
Capgemini Denmark
Anders Larsen
Senior Consultant
Capgemini Denmark


  • Date: June 8th, 2022
  • Time: 18.00 – 20.00 CET
  • Location: Astralis Nexus, Tivoli Hjørnet, Vesterbrogade 3, 1620 København
  • Language: English
  • Price: Free
  • Parking and public transport:
    • S-Train: Vesterport Station and Hovedbanegården (a few minutes walk from the venue)
    • Metro: Hovedbanegården and Rådhuspladsen (a few minutes walk from the venue)
    • Parking: If you arrive by car, you can park in the underground parking area of the Axel Towers. No parking allowed in front of the venue