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Don’t let production quality issues catch you by surprise

Mark Buenen

The good thing about Agile and DevOps principles is that they give teams end-to-end responsibility for development and quality validation. By removing siloes and creating cross-functional feature teams, we’re able to speed up delivery and deployment significantly. However, the flipside of this team autonomy is that many organizations typically have multiple teams – all working independently – and at some point, their results have to align and work together.

In order to make this happen, enterprise-wide Agile models like SAFe and LESS have been put in place. Due to the fact that responsibility for activities such as design, development, test and deployment are owned by the full team, organizations and business leaders have one other major challenge stemming from software development activities. Software development activities have become more “black box,” by which I mean that simple questions are more difficult to answer. For example: Are we on track? Do we meet our standards?  And is the quality of our application at the right level?

As a result, it is not uncommon for business leaders and product owners to be caught by surprise when severe issues arise in production.

Now more than ever, due to the nature of working in autonomous teams, and strengthened by today’s new working paradigm where many teams themselves work in a distributed way, we need simple, adjustable, real-life information on the actual quality status of our applications. And we need to have this dynamically, based on data captured in various systems. These include the code repositories, test repositories, sprint backlogs, defect management systems, workflow management systems, production monitoring logs, and production incident repositories.

With Capgemini’s embedded Quality Engineering in ADMnext, we’ve found that the best solution is to implement a dynamic quality dashboard for your critical application stack with customized pages for each stakeholder (business leader, product owner, development engineer). This dashboard will extract data in a meaningful way from all relevant sources and the insights gained here will not only provide real-time transparency, but also enable leaders and teams to spot potential issues before they occur.

To learn more about what Capgemini’s embedded Quality Engineering in ADMnext can do for your business, visit us here .

You can also learn more about Capgemini’s wider ADMnext offering here. And to get started right now, drop me a line here.