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Capgemini’s role in enabling citizen scientists- innovating for tomorrow’s public health needs


In our latest TechBeat, Capgemini’s Angela Radcliffe highlights citizen scientists and the role they play in the discovery and testing of new vaccines and treatments. We understand that to continuously drive innovation we need everyone to participate.

Below is a small excerpt from the video.

“At Capgemini, we help stakeholders from government and industry co-create the future of clinical trials… This includes exploring emerging trial-delivery models, wrangling data, and implementing cloud-based patient-services platforms equipped with the tools we need to provide equitable access to care, such as telemedicine.”

Capgemini has significant experience in the federal healthcare and technology industry. We continue to look for new methods to help us innovate for our customers in both the commercial areas and in government. We have the technical knowledge and subject-matter expertise to deliver quality results, allowing your agency to focus on mission-critical initiatives.

Watch the video below to learn more!

Want to know more about Capgemini’s Life Sciences division? Click here.

For all Capgemini Government Solutions blogs, click here

Deak Jenkins


Deak Jenkins

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