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TBR® spotlight quantum vendor report includes Capgemini as highly rated

25 Oct 2022

TBR® has recently published a spotlight quantum report in which Capgemini has been highly rated in TBR’s vendor positioning graphic, which assesses the development of quantum computing and supporting services.

Capgemini has made incremental advancements due to scientific discoveries in addition to its alliance with IBM. Capgemini provides an enhanced advisory services portfolio, which in turn is creating business interest.

This TBR report, Major Investments have not materialized in 2022 amid economic uncertainty and the boom of investments in 2021, states that in order to expand in the quantum computing domain, vendors, academic institutions, governments and large enterprises are forging various alliances for scientific discovery, such as skills development, algorithm development, and use-case exploration. Quantum native skills are in short supply, and the industry has realized that collaboration is the key to leveraging  quantum technology.

Many nations across the world are vying to establish quantum expertise. Foremost is the US government, which has been investing heavily and has set up committees around defense and national security. In Europe, many countries are investing independently through the European Union, taking an industry champion approach, backing startups.  China is leading quantum investment in APAC.

Click here to download the TBR report.

For more information on Capgemini’s Quantum expertise, click here.