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Capgemini scoops Frost and Sullivan’s ‘2019 global company of the year’ award

18 Jun 2020

Recognized for its best-in-class Software Testing solutions providing outstanding business value to customers globally

Capgemini has been awarded the ‘2019 Global Company of the Year’ award by Frost & Sullivan, for being a leading provider in the market for Software Testing solutions. This recognition is based on Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis of the global software testing services market, where it acknowledged Capgemini for its wide footprint, combined with strong capabilities and technology focus, ability to adapt to changing business requirements, and deliver superior customer value by helping them in their digital transformation journeys.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents the ‘Company of the Year’ award to an organization that demonstrates excellence in terms of growth strategy and implementation in its field. The award recognizes a high degree of innovation with products and technologies, and the resulting leadership in terms of customer value and market penetration. Capgemini was acknowledged for its wide breadth of testing service options, flexible delivery models and operating processes offering outstanding business value to both existing and prospective customers.

Mark Buenen, Global leader of digital assurance and quality engineering services, at the Capgemini Group said: “We are proud to be recognized as the 2019 Global Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan for our world class Quality Assurance and testing solutions enabling clients to achieve their business goals. As a leading provider in the global software testing services industry, the Capgemini Group, including Sogeti, is committed to providing industrialized homegrown solutions, offering real-world benefits to customers in terms of efficiency improvements, reduced time to market, and lower cost of implementation.”

“Capgemini handles various aspects such as development, build automation, environment management, data management, and provisioning of the test environment in-house. If a downstream QA environment is required, it can create and manage this environment faster than most competitors,” said Mariano Kimbara Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “It collaborates with multiple IT vendors offering smart solutions to support intelligent test automation. These solutions leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Robotic Process Automation to drive customers’ business growth.”

With descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive capabilities, Capgemini’s insights-driven solutions enable automation even in legacy systems. Using code generators and code analytics, it can simultaneously automate application programming interfaces (API), testing services, and even microservices to activate true component automation, allowing customers to achieve upto 70 percent automation of the testing process.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.