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The Renewable Enterprise Podcast Series: Drive your Business with SAP S/4HANA® Cloud for Automotive Suppliers

Market disruption in the automotive industry is presenting major challenges to everyone, including automotive suppliers. To respond adequately, those businesses should become renewable enterprises, continually rethinking their business from a customer perspective and adapting to satisfy the evolving requirements of existing and new customers. Renewable enterprises enjoy best-in-class agility, plus intelligence and proactivity, together with smart approaches to innovation and the adoption of intelligent technologies.

In this episode of the Renewable Enterprise podcast series, Brad Little, Josean Mendez and Markus Winkler share their views on how to drive your Business with SAP S/4HANA® Cloud for Automotive Suppliers.

Listen to the Podcast 

For expert insights, videos and more, please visit our dedicated page on SAP S/4HANA® Cloud for Automotive Suppliers.

Learn how our multi-tenant cloud environment for delivering SAP S/4HANA® cloud Essentials can help Automotive Suppliers. Download our point of view to learn how we can help.

Watch the videos:

Transcript of the podcast


Josean Mendez

Expert in Digital Transformation, Mobility
Vice President and SAP Partner and Ecosystem Lead, Global Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships at Capgemini. With 30 years of experience in the technology industry, in Innovation, emerging partners, mobile solutions, consulting, and the software development industry, he combines it with his passion to drive digital transformation for our customers. His constant endeavor is to keep abreast of the rapidly changing marketplace to devise agile solutions for a future-proof, industry-agnostic digital enterprise. Josean likes to drive big ideas with an agile focused approach.